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I don't really know what to make of what happened next, according to the book I needed to get David's last name for to work. When suddenly it hit me, it was probably Sola just like Devin, duh! I thought, just let Ghost beat him to death like the bastard deserves, but if that happened I know for a fact that Ghost would not be able to live with himself. I just simply decided to let him have a heart attack, he wasn't worth anything special. I plopped the book down back in the bag with a quickness. Suddenly I felt something surge in me and I couldn't stand to see David anymore. I lunged myself at him pushing Ghost out of the way as kindly as possible and beat the shit out of David," don't you talk to my friend like that you scumbag!," I yelled as I beat his eye in. Despite him having a hundred pounds and nearly a foot on me he backed off leaving me with only a black eye and a bruised arm.

I bent down on my knees and slumped over breathing heavy. I heard footsteps come from behind me and it was Ghost who put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly," you are real stupid Ricky Horror, you know that?," he asked, it was a rhetorical question. " Sorry, my testosterone kicked in, Dev- just wanted to protect you from that asshole," I breathed even harder spitting out some blood. " And that's part of the reason I love guys like you Ricky," I barely heard him through his mumbling as he gripped tighter onto my shoulder. Suddenly I heard Ghost gasp and kneel down in front of my face," Ricky, your as pale as death....and you are spitting blood out like crazy," I heard his voice pitch higher at the last part. " I am fine Ghost, just fine don't worry about me," I shrugged it off. With that, gripped on to the bruised arm I tried standing up, wobbling and then slammed down on the concrete again. According to Ghost I hit my head real hard and I started bleeding really bad, yeah right.

"Ricky, god stop pushing yourself like this.... You can't even get up now," I felt Ghost's hand on my face, warm, ever so warm. I saw a tear stream from his eye and my blood staining the concrete red. Ghost picked me up bridal style and said something but couldn't comprehend it. I heard him call an ambulance, his tone frantic and distraught. " Ricky, hang in there buddy, don't die on me, don't die," I could feel my blood soaking through Ghost's shirt, I'm so sorry Dev.... " What's the point of life anyway? It won't matter if I die I'm no one of any importance. I can't wait to disappear forever," I started to feel really fatigued. The last thing I saw was flashing red lights and Ghost's lip quiver as he hopped in the back of the ambulance with me. Then nothing but blackness.

Time Skip

My vision swirled and the first thing I saw was Ghost's worried pale face staring at me, with a pleased expression," he's finally awake!," he shouted. The rest of the guys flooded the room asking if I was okay and asking what happened when Ghost told them that they should wait to bombard me with questions. When I pulled the sheet I realized that I was in only a hospital gown and pair of grippy socks with a hospital bracelet on one hand and my legs cuffed to the bed railing, I didn't even have any underwear. The first thing they did was unhook me then made me piss in a cup and eat. I didn't want to eat and just gave it mostly to Ryan.

"And we will wait to finish touring until-," Chris was cut off by the sound of a door slamming open. A man in a white coat strapped me down cuffing me to the rails this time to my hands and feet, as well as strapping around my chest and slightly below my stomach and stuck a needle in my veins. " We all unanimously agree that your friend here needs some help, so we will be institutionalizing him at the psych ward twenty miles away for about month," the man said rolling me away and slamming the door on the guys as they yelled and begged no. I cried I saw Ghost bawling his eyes out and even Vinny was trying his hardest to fight back the tears, as I became no more.

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