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I woke up and rolled out of bed and got some clothes on. Afterwards I called up Ghost and asked him what time I need to be over at his place to figure out what and where we are going for lunch. Eleven thirty, I took a mental note. I strummed on the guitar for a bit trying to think of some song ideas. Nothing.

After what felt like forever it turned eleven o clock and I drove over to Ghost's house which was about thirty minutes away. I decided to bring the book on a good note, just in case something happens and also to see if it really works. With that I slid it into a bag I'll take with me and drove off to Ghost's. When I got there he was standing out in front of his deep blue house near the driveway and waved ecstatically. I parked the car in the driveway and hopped out of the car and stood over by Ghost. " So ummm, where do you want to go for lunch Dev," I asked lighting a cigarette carefree. " Hmm, I don't know, to be honest I just wanted to spend some time with you," he looked down and blushed. " Oh," I said, kind of shocked. " How about Checker's? That place has the best fries," Ghost inquired. " Sure, here you can ride with me," I said walking over to the car and opening up the passenger side door for him. " Oh Ricky, you can be such a gentleman at times," he gushed. As soon as Ghost got in on the passenger side I looked over his seat and pulled out of the driveway, heading towards Checker's.

Once we arrived I parked the car and ordered our food, afterwards we sat at a table outside. " I see that you have dyed your hair Ghost, it looks nice," I said suddenly feeling a little anxious. " Oh! Thank you Ricky! The just plain black was boring me so I decided to dye half of it green. I'm just glad that it didn't turn out looking like Shrek or diarrhea!," he chuckled covering his mouth with one of his hands. We just laughed together, his hand was on top of mine and we just blushed and smiled while laughing our asses off. "Wow it looks like the homos are back," I heard a deep raspy voice get closer and eventually walk up to the table and look at Ghost and I. " Fuck off David," Ghost rolled his eyes. " What you just upset that dad always saw me as more of a man then you, princess?," David teased. " Shut up, shut da fuck up! We're not even related your just some douche bag that got lucky enough to get adopted into the family," Ghost yelled at him. " Wanna say that again you little fa-," Ghost punched him in the mouth. Before I knew it they were on top of each other beating the shit out of the other. I had to do something for Ghost's sake but what? THE BOOK!

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