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Just A Filler Chapter Until I Get Some More Actual Ideas

Chris's POV

Before I knew it was time to go over to Ash's condo and go to her party. I know it's just the guys, her, and me but I'm really nervous. I decided that this was when I was going to tell Ash how I felt about her, how I really feel about her. I went to my room and threw on my Cure shirt with a pair of black torn Social Collision jeans with a belt and a pair of black boots I have not worn in a while. Afterwards, I headed to the bathroom and brushed my hair and fixed my make up, got to look nice for Ash. After I put on some new eyeliner I did some black lipstick, I wanted to look as good as possible and if by off chance it were too happen have lipstick in case we kiss. Not like it's going to going to happen but might as well pretend.

After being ready for about ten minutes Ryan yelled, " okay guys we got to go come on, " as we all headed outside and towards are your van. Once we got to the condo Ryan parked the car and we were greeted by Ash who, looked fucking hot. Ghost punched me playfully in the arm, " hey Ash, how about we take things upstairs to your place, I know Chris is really looking forward to that, " Ghost teased me and cocked an eyebrow. " oh of course this parking lot probably probably isn't safe to just stand in, " Ash giggled. As she led us to her room my heart kept beating faster and faster, she looks so good tonight. Once we got to her place she showed us the rooms and where everything was and of course, Balz went straight for the nachos and dip. Ash went to each of us one by one starting with Vinny since he looked a little down but she quickly cheered him up. By time she got to me I was so focused I didn't notice at first, "hey Chris, " she chirped as she sat on my lap, control yourself Chris. "Umm good how bout you, " I blushed trying to hide my face with my hair so she wouldn't be able to tell. " oh I'm doing good thank you, you look nice by the way. Hey I'm going to go get a snack you want to come with me, " she asked getting up from the couch, I nodded.

As we made are way through the hallway away from the guys I paused and grabbed Ash's arm, " Chris what is it, " Ash asked sounding concerned. This is my chance, after a few more shows if I don't say anything I'll probably one of my last times with her so it's now or never, don't fuck this up, "I uh, need to tell you something, " I said making Ash cock her head. I pulled out a black rose from the huge pocket in pants and held it out towards her while flushing red, " I-I like you Ash, and I was wondering if-, ".I was cut off by Ash who grabbed my hand and the flower gently and brushed her lips against mine. Of course I kissed her back, then pushed her against the wall and kissed her harder as she did same while are hands found each other and intertwined. " Chris, " she parted her lips with mine and breathed heavily. " of course, " she smiled at me. I untensed my shoulders and smiled at her red faced, " also I love the rose, " she stated, putting her head on my chest as I put an arm around her. " I'm not going to leave you Chris, yes I do have to go back to California, but I have plans to, move over here to be with you and your band the guys are all so sweet, " she said gripping my torso as I chuckled. After Ash put the rose in the vase by her bed we got our snacks and plopped back down on the couch next to Ricky and continued to enjoy the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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