Sunset Ride

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Yugo smiled happily at his D-Wheel after dinner the next day. Today was a perfect day for a ride! It was almost sunset, and Yugo was looking forward to exploring Maiami City on his bike. He'd even invited Yuya along, not wanting to get lost. He would have invited Yoko too, but she and Yusho were out at the moment. Apparently they were going to Yuya's school to enroll his counterparts so that they could get a good education.

The house-garage door opened and Yuya stepped out into the garage wearing his riding clothes. Yugo couldn't help admiring how good he looked in them. The Synchro counterpart felt that riding clothes suited the Pendulum duelist much better than his school uniform.

"Ready to go?" Yuya asked, smiling at Yugo. The blunana nodded eagerly. "C'mon! I bet you know lots of good places to ride in your town!"

"I actually do!" Yuya said proudly. "Mom sometimes took me riding with her on her motorcycle, so I know plenty of fun places to ride! I'll show you around!"

The two of them hopped onto their D-Wheels and started off, Yuya leading Yugo through the city. It was such a thrill riding around together, enjoying the wind and the feeling of absolute freedom. They made their way through the city, eventually coming to a stop on a bridge near the ocean. Yuya turned off his D-Wheel and climbed off, walking toward the rail of the bridge and taking off his helmet. Yugo followed suit, and the two of them watched the sun setting over the ocean.

"This is really nice," Yugo said after some time. Yuya looked at him and smiled. In the sunset, Yugo looked absolutely radiant, his face lit up by the gold, orange, and red sun rays. His crystal blue eyes sparkled in the sunset, and Yuya couldn't take his own eyes off his Synchro counterpart. It was only when Yugo looked at him that Yuya realized he was staring, and looked away blushing.

"Y-yeah, this is the best view in the city," Yuya said, trying to shake off his flustered feeling. "I sometimes come here just to watch the sunset."

"I can see why," Yugo said, turning his own gaze back to the sunset. They were quiet for a few more minutes before Yugo spoke again. "Hey Yuya?"


"Yesterday you said that you take dance classes, right?"

"Oh, yeah! I've been taking dance classes since I was eight! Wait, no. Technically six. The first two years were when I was trying out ballet, but I didn't like it. I switched to ballroom dancing when I was eight, which was a lot more fun to me."

Yugo smiled, imagining little Yuya trying ballet. It was a cute mental image, but the idea of Yuya doing ballroom dancing was even cuter. "Then could you maybe teach me how to dance?"

Yuya blushed a little. "I mean, my dance teacher would probably be a better instructor for you... I'm still learning myself..." Yugo looked at him with puppy eyes, and Yuya's blush got brighter. "B-but I suppose I could show you a little bit of what I know!"

The blunana lit up excitedly and cheered. "YAY! You're the best, Yuya!" Yuya giggled at his enthusiasm, and gently took his hand. "Okay, so you put this hand here, and hold my hand with your other hand..."

Yugo followed the tomato's instructions, and they started doing a simple but enjoyable dance together as the last of the sunlight faded away and the bridge lights lit up. They were so distracted by their dance that they didn't notice a car pull up next to them until a familiar voice from the passenger seat cooed, "Aw, you two are adorable! Are you having fun?" Yuya and Yugo jumped and looked up to see Yusho's car next to them, with Yusho driving and Yoko sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Mom! Dad!" Yuya blushed brightly, letting go of Yugo and stepping back quickly. "Hi, uh, we were just... uh..."

Yoko giggled. "Oh, don't let us spoil your fun! Just be sure to be home by 11. And try not to get pulled over by the police on your bikes. Remember, technically you two aren't old enough to legally drive them!"

"Y-yeah," Yuya said, rubbing the back of his head. "We'll be careful!"

"Alright, we'll see you at home!" Yoko said, before the car drove away. Yuya and Yugo watched the parents go, before looking at each other and giggling.

"Well, that happened!" Yugo said. Yuya smiled, "Yeah. So do you wanna dance some more?"

"I'd love to!" Yugo said, taking Yuya's hand again.

* * *

The two of them arrived back home at a quarter to eleven. As they entered the house, they saw Yusho sitting near the garage door, seemingly reading a newspaper. He glanced up at them when they came in, then at the clock on the wall. He gave a nod of satisfaction when he saw that it wasn't quite eleven yet.

"That was so much fun!" Yugo said happily, his eyes shining bright. "We gotta ride our D-Wheels together more often! And we can dance some more!"

"You guys danced?" Yuri's voice came from the foot of the stairs. Yugo bounced on his heels excitedly, "Yeah! Yuya's really good at it, and he showed me how to dance! I've never had the chance to do that before! I wanna learn more!"

As Yuya and Yugo went up to Yuya's room, followed by Yuri, Yusho watched the Synchro duelist. He did seem to be a decent person. From what Yusho could see, Yugo didn't appear to intentionally hurt or upset Yuya. The one exception being when he snooped in Yuya's closet, but he was a curious teen, so Yusho supposed it was understandable. And he didn't seem to be a bad influence on Yuya, if both of them arriving home before curfew was any indication. Perhaps Yusho didn't need to keep as close an eye on him as he thought.

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