Movie Night

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Yoko and Yusho had left the house to go on a date, leaving Yuya in charge once again. The tomato-haired boy was currently raiding the movie cabinet, looking for something to watch with his counterparts. He found a movie that he hadn't seen before that sounded interesting.

"The Cabin in the Woods," he read the title on the DVD case. "Sure, why not? C'mon out guys! I found a movie for us to watch!"

His counterparts, who were currently fused with him, quickly defused and looked at the DVD case. Yuri tilted his head at the picture. It depicted a square cabin split into three levels with the middle section being rotated 45 degrees. It honestly looked a little eerie. "Is... this a horror movie?"

"What, you scared?" Yugo teased him, wrapping an arm around the Fusion counterpart's shoulders. Yuri scoffed, "Of course not! I'm just not sure our innocent little Yuya can handle a horror movie!"

"I can handle it!" Yuya protested. "I've seen scarier things in real life! A horror movie isn't real! It won't bother me!"

"Yeah, I mean after being in an Interdimensional War, I doubt a silly horror movie would scare any of us!" Yuto agreed.

"I'll make popcorn!" Yugo said, jumping up and running to the kitchen. Yuya opened the DVD case and popped the disc into the player. Yuri pursed his lips at Yuya's back, sitting down on the sofa. This wasn't going to end well, he could already tell...

* * *

Yuri was shaking in terror as he watched armies of horrific creatures slaughtering hordes of people on-screen. He didn't like people to know, but he was absolutely terrified of horror movies. He knew it was ridiculous, as Yuya and Yuto had pointed out those movies weren't even real and they'd all seen real horrors in real life. But all that logic couldn't stop Yuri from letting out a sob as the on-screen carnage ensued.

Unfortunately for Yuri, the movie quieted down just long enough for his sob to be heard by his counterparts. They looked at him, and immediately saw how scared he was.

"Yuri?!" Yuya quickly paused the movie and hugged his Fusion counterpart. The sudden hug caused Yuri to yelp in fear, before he realized it was just Yuya.

"Oh shoot... you really are scared of horror movies, aren't you?" Yugo hugged Yuri from the other side. "I'm sorry for teasing you earlier. I didn't think you were really scared. I'm so sorry!"

Yuto moved around Yuya to be in front of Yuri and hugged the cabbage. "It's alright, Yuri, it's not real! It can't hurt you."

Yuri started crying, half from his fear and half from embarrassment. He felt so ashamed at being seen in such a weak, cowardly, vulnerable state. But his counterparts continued hugging him, murmuring reassurances and comfort to him.

"It's ok, Yuri!" Yugo murmured. "You're safe! We're here with you! Let it all out!"

"Yeah, we won't judge you!" Yuya reassured him. "Everyone is scared of something!"

"Yeah, so don't worry, we're not going to make fun of you for being scared or crying!" Yuto said softly.

Yuri broke down and bawled into his counterparts. He'd never been encouraged to express his fears or cry before. So having permission from his counterparts and the promise of not being judged for his fear was unexpected, but also very comforting. Yuri cried for what must have been at least half an hour before he finally calmed down enough to stop.

"Better?" Yuto murmured. Yuri gave a small nod, and his counterparts smiled softly at him.

"You know, I like seeing this more vulnerable side of you!" Yugo said softly. "It makes you seem more... human? I don't know how to explain it..." Yuya and Yuto nodded in agreement.

Yuri gave a shaky laugh, resting his head gently on Yugo's chest. "I-I'm sorry... I ruined movie night..."

"No, no you didn't!" Yuya reassured him, rubbing his back comfortingly. "To tell you the truth, I didn't actually think this movie would be so scary... I was expecting cheap effects and costumes that didn't look so realistic... If Yuto wasn't holding me, I probably would've been crying too..."

Yuri looked at him, surprised. "You mean... you were scared?" Yuya nodded. "There's something about bloodbaths that just... spook me."

Yuri relaxed a little, taking comfort in the fact that he wasn't the only one scared by this movie.

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