Chapter ten

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  "Wow girl I think this dress suits you".Sarah said as soon as the curtains opened.
"Yes girl your husband will fall in love with you again  and again".Tasha said.they all laughed.
  "Tasha please".I said smiling I was finally satisfied with this wedding was classy and simple.
  "Yes ma'am this looks good on you".the girls  said they helped me to wear the dress.
  "Yes definitely".Bella said.I took off the dress and paid for it and we went outside.they screamed as soon as they saw my car.
  "Girl this ride is bad".Sarah said sarcastically.
  "Babe wow this car is beautiful".Tasha said smiling
"Wow this is so amazing".Bella said smiling.
"Let's go guys I have to meet the event planner the wedding is tomorrow".I said as I entered the car.
  "Girl please drop us at the hotel,I need to relax".Sarah said as I drove.
  "No problem,I want you all to enjoy yourself ".I said smiling I knew they where going to spend a lot.
"Girl your husband is rich ,like do you know how much that dress ,the car,decor,even the hotel".Tasha said.
"Girl you had better give him twins he deserves it". Sarah said they loved teasing me. Just then my phone rang.I refused to answer because it was Jayden they would tease me about it.I dropped them at the hotel and I went to meet with the event planner and I left.Jayden called me.
  "Hey babe,hope you are not stressing yourself,you need to rest".he said worriedly.
  "I am fine professor,I just need to pick a few things and I will go to the hotel".I said I was so used to calling him professor.
  "Student I need you to relax and I have a surprise for you".he said
  "I can't wait for it my professor,now bye.."I said
"I love you".he said
"I love you more".I said and we ended the call. I went straight to the Spa and then to the hotel.we did the bridal shower,after that we prayed,ate and talked    Then Tasha and Bella went to their room.
"But seriously how was professor able to convince you and French."I said smiling.
"He came to visit us in Las Vegas and he waited for two days to get our attention.he apologized and then he took us out for shopping he is really nice you should treat him well and stop calling him professor" .Sarah said as se lied down.
  "Thanks".I said calmly
  "No p dear let's sleep it's almost 3am we have a big day ahead of us Today  ".Sarah said and we slept.
  We woke up in the afternoon around 1pm,because we slept late. The wedding was to kick off 4pm. I freshened up and the make up team started their work,They styled my hair and they did my makeup i insisted on a light makeup,they helped me wear my dress.
  Now I looked at the mirror admiring myself,I looked so beautiful I had never imagined my life like this I was grateful.
  "You look breathtaking,now baby girl the photographer will be here any minute from now".Sarah said smiling.
  "You don't look bad yourself,where is Tasha and Bella".I said smiling.
  "They are eating".just then I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in".I said my greatest suprise my mum and kelvin entered.they hugged me immediately.
  "You look beautiful,my love".she cried.
  "Mum it's you,where is dad".I said I was holding back my tears I didn't want to ruin my makeup.
  "Please don't cry four eyes you look beautiful".he said smiling he looked more matured and handsome.
  "We lost him,but he is always with us,my child I am proud of you".she said as kissed my forehead.
  "Mum".I said
"Please don't cry it's your special day."she said smiling.I totally forgot Sarah was in the room.
  "Now enough stop crying the photographer is here already,come take pictures".she said smiling.we took pictures and we went to venue.  I was waiting in the car with kelvin,he was the one to escort me.
  "Calm down four eyes,but am shocked how did you become so beautiful".he said smiling as he held my hands he knew I was anxious.
  "I love you kelvin".I said smiling
"Stop it,you should say that your husband not me, anyways I love you more and am super proud of you, thank God you didn't end up with that your stupid crush".he said smiling.
  "Stop with the hate, but you look more handsome now bro".I said smiling.Kelvin loved compliments.
  "Come on sis I be fine boy normally nor Dey fall my hand".he said in pidgin
  "Yes o,my handsome bro".I said and they called for us. The decor was more beautiful than I imagined as we walked to the stage everyone looked at us.I was so shy.
  "Four eyes please behave yourself,just look forward ".he whispered.I got to the stage and the pastor wedded us and the party was fun filled,my legs ached badly because of the tight shoes and my body ached as well,I couldn't wait for the party to ended at 9pm.Miss Olivia insisted my mum,kelvin and Daniel stay in her house while we go to the hotel,but Daniel insisted on going with his dad so they went home while I went to the hotel with Sarah,I couldn't care less.
   "Babe I mean this is your wedding night you should be with your husband".Sarah said as she removed her makeup.
  "Please I am really tired so it's no big deal".I said as I came out of the bathroom.
  "Really we are going tomorrow,I booked a morning flight but not to worry we will surely visit incase you wake up and didn't see me".she said smiling and I hugged her from behind.
"Thank you my friend I really appreciate it,but please hope you will get me butter cookies next time"I said smiling
  "Hope you will give Daniel a sibling next time".she said smiling.I went to bed
  "Good night".I said smiling
   "Good night dear".she said.
  I woke up late as she was gone.I checked my phone 30missed was Jayden, I was still sleepy so I went back to bed. I woke up again,freshened up and I went home. When I got there they where having snacks and watching a movie.
  "Good afternoon mum".Daniel said as he hugged me.
  "Good afternoon my love".I said smiling.
  "Ekaro ma".I said to mum.
"You are blessed my dear daughter".she said smiling.
  "Mum,grandma made Nigeria food today and uncle kelvin fed me".he said smiling.Jayden kept on looking at me
  "Okay baby let me upstairs I will drop my things and come back".I said smiling and left.
  I changed into something more comfortable and I came downstairs I went straight to the kitchen. She made my favorite Egusi soup and pounded yam.
   I was eating when kelvin came in.
  "So four eyes you haven't still changed from your greedy nature".he said as he washed his hands I knew he wanted to eat.
  "But you are greedy not me,I am content so by the hope you did feed my son too much".I said as he ate.
  "No just small,he drank like 3 bottle water and your husband didn't eat much as well they aren't used to food that has pepper".he said smiling.
  "So how did my husband find you".I said
"He called us dummy and invited us over,girl back in Nigeria we are living well".he said smiling
"You look ugly when you smile".I said and we both laughed. We talked till evening we ate and went to our rooms.
  I went to the room,Jayden was already in bed with Daniel.I just showered and came out the bed was big enough to accommodate three of us but I knew Daniel doesn't sleep well,if the bed is not spacious.
    "Babe good night".I said smiling
"Where will you sleep".he said worriedly.
"It's fine I go meet my brother".I said calmly.although I had already decided to move my things the next morning to the other room.
"Good night".he said and I left.
  I went downstairs to kelvin's room.he was about to sleep.
  "Why are you here".he said in shock.
  "I want to sleep here tonight".I said as I climbed the bed.
  "It's so not right".he said
"It's right"I said smiling.
  "Okay fine".he said smiling.
I woke up very early the next day because I had to go to the shop.I moved my things to the next room,I showered,got dressed and left.
   I got to the shop earlier than usual. So I decided to clean,I was almost done cleaning when Bella came in.
  "Ma you aren't supposed to be here like you are supposed to be on your honeymoon".She said calmly
"Bella work comes first".I said calmly I hated to state the fact that Daniel was too clingy with his dad.
"Okay ma but miss Tasha took a week off".she said calmly.
"Okay".I said and I went to the kitchen.I baked and then went to see some clients.I got home in the evening they where having dinner.I just joined them.
She made jollof rice and moi moi. But it wasn't spicy so Jayden and Daniel could eat it.
  "It's nice".I said calmly as I ate.Jayden was feeding Daniel.
  "So my dear do you always come this late".Mum said.
  "No mum,I had to see some clients after I had closed".I said as I ate.
"Okay".she said smiling.
   Jayden was so focused on Daniel that he totally forgot about him like I was invisible this continued for over two weeks,so I left the house for a week for a conference yet Jayden didn't call me.I was already irritated,from the airport I came to the shop
I went to the kitchen, I was too tired to do anything so I was just working on my laptop .Then Tasha came in.she was so suprised.
   "Babe you are back already".she said
"Yes am back I got you gifts I have already given Bella and Chris theirs  ".I said calmly
  "Girl what's up I mean you are supposed to be your on honeymoon,yet you are working". She said
  "Girl I am tired don't get me wrong am not selfish but Jayden ignores me,he focuses on Daniel I mean I went for a conference for two weeks he didn't call,but mum called and said that he has been busy taking care of Daniel only for kelvin to tell me that they all went on a vacation."I said angrily.
  "This is ridiculous you need to talk to him about this,I can't deal with this".she said
  "So that they say am selfish I will pass infact am not leaving here till evening".I said calmly.we talked and baked and then I went home. They where all eating dinner as expected and I was in no mood to eat.
  "My dear come join us".mum said.
  ""I am not hungry mum I am really tired I want to rest."I said as usual Jayden was busy with Daniel.
  "What's going on here,is this how you intend to keep your house".She said
  "Mum please I am in no mood for this".I said
"Make time for home".she said I went upstairs angrily.I locked my door I showered and went to bed. I woke up the next morning got ready and I went downstairs.I wanted to apologize to mum and kelvin but they weren't in their rooms.
   I went to Jayden's room he wasn't there with Daniel. I decided to wait for them but to my suprise Jayden came in alone.
  "What wrong Jayden".I said as I stood up.
"Well your mother and brother left for Nigeria this morning she wanted to see you,but you locked the door.we knocked but you didn't open,while Daniel is at my mother's place,let's go for our honeymoon". He said smiling.
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