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I stood at my window looking out of my small apartment onto the streets of downtown Atlanta, my heart thundering in my chest.

The streets were a mess with people running in every direction. Some were slinging bags over their shoulders and running to their cars. Others were crying and hugging their loved ones. Yelling and sirens filled the air and a couple military vehicles had started to make their way into the city.

The news kept reiterating that the government was going to make a refugee center in downtown Atlanta. There would be food, shelter, medicine and most of all, safety.

I turned away from the window to look at my small tv. The blonde news anchor was repeating the same shit for the millionth time.

If you're in the city, stay there. If you're not in the city, go there.

I shook my head and huffed, stomping to the coffee table where my cell phone was sitting. I picked it up and called the same number I had already called about fifty times in the last two hours.

"Come on, pick up the damn phone," I mumbled, anxiously picking at the skin on my thumb.

"You've reached Nate Wilson, I'm not available at the moment so leave a message after the-"

"Son of a bitch!" I slammed the phone onto the table and rubbed my face with my hands.

I started pacing the quaint living room, trying to think of my next move. Should I leave downtown and go to their house? Or should I wait here? They could already be on their way.

A ring interrupted my thoughts and I dove for the phone, practically face planting into the table, "Hello?"

"Violet! Violet, are you okay?" At the sound of Nate's familiar voice, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Jesus yes, yes I'm okay. Are you guys? I've been trying to reach you for hours!"

"I'm so sorry Vi, my phone is dead. I had to call you on Shawn's. I just got home from work, the roads are horrible, everyone is flooding into the city," Nate sounded stressed, I couldn't blame him. I'm not sure if there was a single person left on the planet that wasn't actively shitting their pants right now. Except maybe Shawn, he always seemed to know exactly what to do no matter the situation.

"Are you guys coming into the city? Should I meet you somewhere?" I asked. I had no goddam clue what the hell we were supposed to do now.

"No, no Shawn is really adamant about staying away from the city. The news said the virus was contagious, delivered through bites, and he says being in a populated area is bad news," Nate said, I could hear some irritation in his voice, "There's supposed to be safety in the city, protection, but Shawn doesn't want to risk anything, especially not with Tyler."

Grave Danger (Daryl Dixon x OFC)Where stories live. Discover now