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"When are dads gonna be back?" Tyler asked.

I looked down at him from my spot on the futon. He was reading a comic on the floor of the cabin.

"They'll be back soon, no need to worry," I gave him a smile to try and reassure him.

"Okay," he said. There was uncertainty in his voice and I couldn't help but feel uncertain myself.

We had been at the cabin for about two and a half months. We ran out of food at about the three week mark and had been making a few runs here and there since. While Shawn and I could hunt well, it still wasn't quite enough. Plus there was more than just food we needed.

Shawn and Nate left on what was supposed to be a quick run yesterday. They were supposed to be back around sunset but they never showed up at the cabin.

I spent all day today trying to keep Tyler busy so he didn't think too hard about the fact that his parents never came home yesterday.

"Buddy, why don't we head to bed okay? It's getting late," I said standing up.

Tyler exhaled and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

I rubbed a hand over my face before setting up the futon. The cabin was small and the queen bed in the bedroom was the only one inside so I had been sleeping out here on the futon.

I settled in to sleep but the rest never came. I was too worried about Nate and Shawn, this would be our second night without them and I had a horrible feeling something was wrong.

In the morning, I was packing a few items into my backpack when Tyler walked out of the bedroom.

He yawned, rubbing his eyes, "Morning," he said.

"Morning kiddo," I stopped what I was doing to bring him breakfast.

I sat down across from him at the coffee table while he ate, "Listen Ty, I need to talk to you about something."

He looked up at me expectantly, "I'm sure your dads are fine but they haven't come home yet so I think they might have gotten lost or maybe ran out of gas."

Tyler looked down at his food and I continued, "I'm going to go out today and look for them."

His eyes shot up, "You're leaving?"

"I won't be gone long, I just need to go look for your dads, okay?" I tried to reassure him, "It'll be fine."

"I'm coming with you," he said.

I didn't feel great about leaving Tyler alone at the cabin but there was no way he could come with me. It would be dangerous and if something really did happen to Nate and Shawn, Tyler shouldn't be there to see it.

Grave Danger (Daryl Dixon x OFC)Where stories live. Discover now