Book Three: Harry Potter and the Year of Broken Chains

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Narcissa leaned against her husband's taut arm and wept.

"Draco, oh my Draco"

"Hush, Cissy"

"Don't hush me! How could you allow this to happen?"

"What would you have me do? Argue with him? It would only earn me a torturous death. His mind is set"

"Perhaps" she spoke softly, eyes darting around. Voice catching in her throat. She managed, "Perhaps Dumbledore could help"

Her husband pulled her back until they were standing in the shadows. Soon the platform would fill up with families eagerly awaiting their children. Soon the platform would be crowded with people, and with noise. Soon the ground would shake as the train pulled in. But for now, it was quiet. Quiet and empty, save for the two.

"Do not say such things" He hissed, "Do not even think such things"

"I didn't mean it" She sounded horrified. Perhaps, a watcher would be able to make out her hand going to cover her mouth. Perhaps not. They stood in the shadows. Hiding from the light.

"I didn't mean it" she repeated. "It's just. Our Draco. What if he doesn't please Him? What if?" And she started crying again, her words lost in a torrent.

"Ssshhh, sshhh Cissy" Her husband pulled her close to him. "Sssh. We are in public"

She gave a hiccoughing laugh.

"And we have raised Draco well. Besides, I believe His desire for Draco spawns more from a desire to punish us, and to pull Harry tighter to Him"

"Is it bad?" She whispered, "That I would gladly throw Harry to the wolves, throw Harry to Him, if it would mean Draco would be safe?"

His face was unreadable as he looked at her. "It is what any mother would do. But that is another thing you should not think. He desires Harry to serve Him. More than anything else"

And she continued to cry.

As someone else stepped on to the platform, she stopped crying as if a tap had been switched off. She waved her wand at her face, cleaning it, and stepped out of the shadows with her husband.

"Lucius. Narcissa"

They nodded to the newcomer.


"Here for the boys?"

"What else?"

"Are they ready?"

"They will be"

"For your sakes, I hope so"

"And what's that meant to mean?" Lucius said silkily. Thaddeus simply laughed.

"I don't mean to cause offense. But it is obvious that His wishes for thirteen-year-old boys are not merely due to their abilities. He's always had creative punishments"

Lucius stepped closer, till he was inches away from his old friend.


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