Hunting and hide-and-seek

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"Last time, in Total Drama All-Stars: the Generational War. The teams took part in a challenge testing their team spirit, Izzy made us lose a good part of our audition, the Survivors lost the challenge, Jasmine eliminated herself because she thought Dave and Ella were going to team up against her... Dave's confessional shows otherwise, too bad Jasmine! What's going to happen now that the Survivors are down to 2? Will they win? Will they lose? Who will go home? Find out in this new episode of: Total! Drama! All-Stars: the Generational War!", the credits roll.

On the boat, the winning team is still celebrating their victory... well, apart from 2 of them who are still talking in front of the pool. "You think they'll fuck with us again with N..." begins Cody, "Don't say that name! Izzy might hear!" interrupts Noah, "It's true... but do you mean it or not?", "They'd better not! We've told them several times already that we're buddies and that's that.", "The day they understand that, that'll be the day Chris isn't a psychopath.", "So never...", "Exactly!", they laugh, they get closer and... "Time to come down for your new challenge!" interrupts Chris.

Cody's confessional

"I should have gotten lost with Noah on the relay race challenge and not with Izzy... either way, we still would have gotten interrupted..."

"Your challenge will be: hide and seek!" announces Chris, "Woah... dodgeball, then hide and seek. At this rate, we'll really have a hopscotch." complains Noah, "Hide-and-seek against Chef Hatchet!" points out Chris, "Isn't that one of the challenges we took on during the 1st season?" remarks LeShawna, "Exactly! Except that this time, the teams will also have to hunt Chef. So, the winning team will be the one that finds Chef before the others or that still has at least one player left in the game when the other teams have been eliminated.", "But that's unfair: the Eagles are 4, the... others are 6 and we're 2!" complains Dave, "You shouldn't have sucked!" laughs Chris.

Dave's confessional

"We suck? Well... we've lost a lot of challenges, it's true, but that's because I haven't started sabotaging yet. It's time to set up my revenge!"

LeShawna's confessional

"I'd won the last hide-and-seek challenge, this'll do!"

Owen's confessional

"Izzy's going to be good at hunting Chef."

"If you find Chef, you have to spray him the same way he'll spray you. Note: Chef must also find you before you can attack him! Are you ready? Go!" says Chris, and it's time for the music. Everyone goes to different places during the song.

Music POV (whispering)

Cody: Hiding under bushes, trying not to make a sound,

Owen: Heart racing fast as the seeker comes around,

Eva: Feeling the thrill of the game as I crouch down low,

LeShawna: Waiting for the seeker's footsteps to come close.

Generation 1: Hide and seek, a game of mystery and fun,

We'll outsmart the seeker, one by one,

In this grand adventure, we'll run and we'll hide,

Until the sun sets and the game subsides.

Dawn!! Ducking behind trees, holding my breath in the light,

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