The return of the stars part 2

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"Last time, in Total Drama All-Stars: the Generational War! Our 18 contestants have arrived, they're all in a team according to their generations, and Ella got her dearest wish: she got to sing without getting voted off! Now that everyone's ready for another season of suffering, it's time to start the 1st challenge of Total! Drama! All-Stars: the Generational War!" says Chris, in front of the contestants, before the credits roll.

"Very well, you've done enough of nothing for today. Your challenge will be to choose where you sleep tonight. The keys to the cabins' rooms are in the forest, while to access the boat, you'll have to swim. If you choose the cabins, you'll have to unlock the 2 cabin doors without changing on the way. You have 2 minutes to choose your strategy", said Chris, as each team stepped back to talk.


"Well, boat or cabin?" asks Eva, "Everyone will go for the boat I think, it would have to be cabin." says Cody, "Except Staci can't swim. I don't think her team will go for the boat." remarked Noah, "What about the surviving team?" asked Owen, "They might go for the boat, so if we miss, we'll be late for the cabins." said LeShawna, "In that case, we'll have to go for the cabin!" said Izzy.

Cody's confessional

"This team cooperated better than I expected. I thought Noah's beauty would have bothered the others. Sarcasm! I said sarcasm!"

Team Eagle:

"It would take the boat. My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great uncle invented boats. Before him, people had to swim across the ocean," said Staci, while no one was listening, "Anyway, Staci can't swim. So we'll need a cabin," said Anne Maria, "I could always ask the animals in the forest for help," said Dawn, "Wait! Cabin beds aren't ideal for my beauty! We need the boat," says Dakota, "Soldier! One of our comrades can't swim! We must avoid sleeping in the wild!" said Brick, "In the wild? How horrible! Go for the cabin," says Dakota.

Dakota's confessional

"It's true. You never know when papparazis are taking pictures of you. You always have to look good!"

Brick's confessional

"After Total Drama Revenge of The Island, I went back to my millitary classes! I'm more confident than ever! I won't let anyone boss me around anymore!", "Hey! Could you hurry up?" said Anne Maria through the door, "Aye, ma'am!"

Anne Maria's confessional

"Dakota thinks she's too good for me. I'm 100 times prettier than she is."

Team Survivor:

"Well then... what strategy?" asks Jasmine, "We could all swim and beat our opponents but I'm more comfortable on land than in the water." says Sky, "Yes, we do what she said!" says Dave as Sky sighs.

Sky's confessional

"It's not going to happen again. I'm glad he's not mad at me anymore but I still don't want a relationship with a contestant while we're competing."

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