Underground love

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"Last time, in Total Drama All-Stars: the Generational War! The teams enjoyed a delicious brunch and threw up several times from happiness. Thanks to Owen's improbable stomach, his team won easily. Ella found it hard to compete, but with Dave's encouragement, the Survivors rallied to take 2nd place. The Eagles lost, but it was only a comfort challenge, so nobody was eliminated. Will anyone be leaving tonight? Who will it be? Find out in this new episode of: Total! Drama! All-Stars: the Generational War!", the credits roll.

On the boat, nothing changes; they're all at the pool except Noah, who's reading and also looking at Cody, who's also looking at him. Their teammates see this exchange of glances, "Enough is enough!" screams Eva as she gets out of the pool and takes Noah into the party room with Izzy. "I'm pretty sure it's kidnapping..." complains Noah, "No, it's an intervention to get you to finally admit you love Cody!" says Eva, "But, no!", "Co!" says Izzy, "Did you hear that little boy made music for you at Geoff and Bridgette's wedding?" asks Eva, annoyed, "He did what? You're lying, I'm sure. Cody's straight, so even if I loved him, I'd never tell him anything.", "And how can you be so sure?" asks Izzy, "I remind you that he was a simp to Gwen.", "And you, you're a simp to Cody." says Izzy, "You're pissing me off!", "We're not letting you go until you tell the truth" says Eva. "Uh... what's going on here?" asks Cody, still at the pool with Owen, "They must be trying to get Noah to admit he loves you." replies Owen, "But we're buddies and that's that!", "What about the music you made for him at Geoff and Bridgette's wedding?", "That wasn't for him, I've already said it! And anyway, Noah's straight and you know it. He was in a relationship with Emma.", "And who's to say he's not bi?", "Uh...".

Cody's confessional (boat)

"He's right! I have to tell him the truth today! Uh... no, I mean we have to... we have to ask our friends to stop trying to get us together."

In the cafeteria, the 2 teams are eating. Dave looks worried, "What's the matter, my prince?" asks Dave, "I'm worried because the team on the boat is very close. They could easily eliminate us in the merger," replies Dave, "We can always make an alliance," says Dakota, "We'd be 4 against 5, it wouldn't even be enough," says Dave, "But it's better than nothing!" says Anne Maria.

Dave's confessional

"And 2 more allies."

The teams are in front of the mine. "Dear campers, congratulations on reaching the merge! From now on, there will be no more teams and it will be every man for himself." announces Chris.

Dave's confessional

"Last time, I was directly eliminated after the merge... by a sacrifice."

Anne Maria's confessional

"If I hadn't been fooled by a fake diamond last time, I'm sure I would have made it to the top."

Ella's confessional

"This is exciting!"

"Your challenge today will be to get out of the mine with your pair." explains Chris, "Uh... there are 9 of us." says Noah, "One of the pairs will be a trinomial. The 1st to get out of the mine will win immunity for themselves. The teams are: Dave and Izzy, Eva and Ella, Noah and Cody, Dakota, Anne Maria and Owen." says Chris.

Cody's confessional

"Is this a joke?"

Dave's confessional

"Locked up with the crazy one... how I can't wait."

Eva's confessional

"She better not be breaking my ears, or else..."

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