Back to childhood

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"Last time, in Total Drama All-Stars: the Generational War. Our teams took part in a hide-and-seek game and had to hide from the Chief while finding him. In the end, it was Eva who made her team win, and the Eagles attended the special elimination ceremony. Indeed, it was the teams that didn't lose that voted against one of the Eagles, sending Dawn out of the competition. What happens now that no one can translate B? Which team will win? Find out in this episode of Total! Drama! All-Stars: the Genertional War!", the credits roll.

In the wild, the Eagles wake up.

Anne Maria's confessional

"I hope never to sleep outside again."

Dakota's confessional

"The beasts are horrible!"

B greets her teammates, "Hi, B. Not too sad that Dawn's gone?" asks Dakota politely, B nods, "Does that mean yes?" asks Dakota, B nods again, "Tell me, how are we supposed to understand you since you never talk?" asks Anne Maria, B shrugs.

Anne Maria's confessional

"It's going to be complicated..."

On the boat, the winners are all at the pool. Noah reading and the rest swimming. "You should come with us Noah!" says Cody, "The book's more interesting than you." replies Noah, "Come on, come here a bit, little buddy!" says Owen, "Leave me alone.", "Owen, I know how to make him come." says Cody with a wry smile, "And how?" asks Owen, "Like this!", says Cody splashing Noah. "You're a kid...", "Come on!", Noah just sighs, Cody gets out of the water and comes next to the bookworm. "Don't dream, Cody.", "I've got another plan to get you in the water!" says Cody and he starts tickling Noah who laughs and tries to free himself, the 2 fall into the water, they get closer and... "NOCO!" yells Izzy, "We're buddies and that's that!" says Noah and Cody at the same time, "Even my dog drools less over a lump of sugar than you do over Cody." says LeShawna, "Hey oh, no stealing my jokes!" says Noah, "Besides, we're really just friends!" adds Cody.

LeShawna's confessional (boat)

"Them? Just friends? Are they joking?"

"If you're just friends, then Sierra's not crazy." says Eva, "I understand the comparison, but we really are just friends!" says Cody, "Do you believe that?" says Owen.

Music POV

LeShawna, Izzy, Eva and Owen: Oh, Noah and Cody sitting in a tree,


Noah and Cody (speaking): Wait, what? No, that's not true,

We're just buddies, nothing new.

LeShawna, Izzy, Eva and Owen: They deny it every time,

But we see the love in their eyes.

Noah and Cody (spaking): We're just friends, can't you see?

Stop spreading rumors, let us be.

LeShawna, Izzy, Eva and Owen: Love is in the air, can't you tell?

Noah and Cody, just admit it, oh well.

"Did you really make music just to try and get us together?" says Noah, "Of course." replies Owen, "We're telling you again..." begins Cody, "We're buddies and that's that!" continues Cody with Noah

Owen's confessional

"They'll end up together by the end of the season."

On the island, all the candidates are there. "Today's challenge will take you back to childhood! You'll be competing in 5 events: skipping rope, sack race, blind man's buff, musical chair and... hopscotch!" announces Chris, "I told you it would end in hopscotch." says Noah, "Have you forgotten which show you're on? It's going to be a 100-square hopscotch! Skipping will be with a rope with spikes... except for the extrimities because we're going to avoid hurting everyone! The bags will have spiders! You'll be doing the blind man's buff surrounded by bears, and the musical chairs will have spikes!" explains Chris.

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