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As I enter the auditorium, I see that a lot of people are already there and I'm not sure where to go. I look around for a minute until I finally spot Karina waving at me. She's already seated, next to Soobin, and has obviously saved a few more seats. Tonight, Taehyun is going to read out some poetry that he wrote and I really cannot wait!

"Hi!" I say, kissing Karina's cheek before taking the empty seat next to her.

"Hi Winter!" Soobin says, throwing a timid smile at me.

"Choi Soobin..."

"I thought Hwang Yeji was with you?" Rina asks, stressing her full name on purpose, just to remind me one more time that I should call her boyfriend "Soobin."

"Oh, she is...She just had to take a phone call from a student's parent but she'll join us in a few minutes." I replied. "So...how is my boy, I hope he's not too nervous?"

"He was pretty quiet in the car but he didn't seem nervous..." Karina replies. "I can't wait to find out what he wrote though! Did he show it to you?"

"No..." I shake my head. "I don't think he wanted to show it to anyone until it was perfect...But I assume his teacher saw it."

"I'm so sorry for the delay..." Yeji suddenly says out of nowhere, taking the seat next to me.

"It's ok, babe...It hasn't started yet!" I reassure her, placing my hand on her thigh.

"Hi Rina, hi Soobin!" Yeji says, turning to them, and they all wave at each other.

"And where are Beomgyu and Minji?" I ask, frowning.

"They couldn't come unfortunately..." Rina replies. "Beomgyu's coach scheduled a last minute baseball practice tonight and since we had already planned to come here, Minji volunteered to drive him there. I think that after being grounded for one long week, she just jumped on the opportunity to go out, even if it meant going to her brother's baseball practice." She adds with a chuckle while I roll my eyes.

The arts show just ended and we are now all waiting for Taehyun in the bar area.

"There he is, the star of the day!" Karina says as our son finally joins us. "You were spectacular, bud!" She adds enthusiastically, giving him a hug. "You even made your mama cry!"

"You were crying harder than me!" I object, frowning.

"I always cry!" She shrugs. "But to make you cry, one has to be really good!"

"Well...he was really good! I'm very proud of you, buddy..." I say, hugging him tight. "I didn't know you were so talented with poetry! You know, I could use your help for my next songs..."

"Really?" Taehyun says with open eyes, obviously interested.

"Really!" I confirm. "God knows I'm already good but you, my boy...You have a way with words that I could never hope to have! I was really impressed!" I add and my angel boy looks so pleased with my compliments that I can't help but smile.

Ever since he was a baby, Taehyun has been a happy, smiling child that irradiates light wherever he goes, much like Karina. At least, until the divorce...When Rina and I separated, he changed...Although he remained kind, he became completely indrawn, processing his pain in silence. But it seems that with poetry, he has finally found a way to express his deepest feelings, exactly like me with music. And it really feels good to see him so happy again...

"You were really amazing, pal!" Soobin says, holding his hand up for a high five. "So...shall we get drinks to celebrate?" He suggests. "The first round is on me!"

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