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"By the way, I was thinking of getting a new bed..." Karina tells me in between sweet lady kisses, while the kids are at school. "And I was wondering if you would come with me to the store, and help me pick one?"

"Uh...I guess..." I shrug. "Why do you need a new bed?" I frown in confusion.

"Well, Soobin picked the mattress I have now and honestly, I've always hated it! It's so uncomfortable! I never said anything because it was good for his back pain, but...now, I actually don't have to keep it." She shrugs. "And I know you want us to go slow, but hopefully, you will share my bed again someday, so...I might as well get one that we both like..." She says in a flirty voice, before pressing her soft lips on mine. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah..." I nod. "It's pretty sweet, actually." I say and she immediately smiles at me, pulling me into another loving kiss.


"Win, you have to try this one!" Karina suddenly says in an enthusiastic voice, while I'm checking price tags a few feet away. As I turn around, I find her lying on her back, on top of what appears to be a king size bed. I take a few steps towards her and eventually lie down next to her, wiggling to test the mattress.

"Oh...yeah, it's comfy!" I agree.

"Right?" She smiles, turning to her side to face me. Our eyes lock for a moment and that's all it takes for me to remember all those mornings I woke up by her side. I used to say that seeing her pretty face was the best way to start the day...

"So, is it the one?" She asks.

"Yeah, it is..." I nod, even though I'm no longer referring to the bed.

"Great! Let's go buy it." She smiles, getting up.


"I swear, Win...I'm going to kill him!" Giselle says in a loud voice, clearly upset.

"What did he do now?" I ask, jaded. I feel like she's coming to my office every day to complain about Lee. I get it though, I know how irritating he can be...

"Well, according to him, he's basically doing everything by himself around here!" She says, raising her arms in frustration. "Even though I was the only one here at 5:00 AM this morning! I mean, if you listen to him, he's Superman! He's God even! Did you know that he created mankind?" She says ironically.

"Okay, look...I know he's a jerk, but occasionally, he brings good projects, like this one." I argue. "And we could use his money, so...let the man speak, it's just words." I shrug. "And he's not fooling anyone! I know how hard you work, G...The cast knows it, the crew knows it...Like you said, you're the one they saw this morning at 5:00 AM, not Lee."

"Maybe, but I just..." She trails off. "God, he drives me so crazy that I have actual dreams about twisting his arrogant neck!"

"Oh, I know..." I nod, perfectly understanding her frustration. "He can make me lose my temper in a second, it's a talent! But trust me, it will be much easier on you if you ignore him. Otherwise, you..." I trail off when someone suddenly knocks on the door.

"Come in..." I say.

"Hi! Sorry, may I interrupt?" Karina says, popping her head through the open door.

"Hi! Of course..." I gesture to invite her to come in.

"Hey, G!" Rina says, giving her a warm hug. "Hi, honey..." She tells me, kissing my lips before I have the time to stop her.

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