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Luciano's POV:

I walked into the school already wanting to leave this shithole.

I avoided everyone's gaze at me and continued walking. I hated school.

It was something I didn't want to do but had to do. I was walking to first period when I saw my arch nemesis. The person that made my blood boil more than anyone can.

Alejandro Talamantez, I look beside him to see a small figure of a girl. I scoff thinking that it was one of his new girlfriends.

I will not lie when I say that she is attractive so I wouldn't blame him. I would tap that to.

I force my gaze away from her to see her brother giving me a death stare. I only smiled widely at him and walked away knowing that pissed him off.

I got to my first period and frowned because I did not want to be here right now.

I sit in my desk and my mind wanders to that girl in the hallway. I hear the door to the classroom opening and I blink out of my thoughts.

I looked over to see the girl that was with the dickhead, Alejandro. "You are late." she says which makes the girl look upset.

She looks innocent, I wonder how many drinks it would take for her to agree to have sex with me.

"I know I am sorry I couldn't find the class" she says smiling softly at the teacher while shrugging.

I can't help but get lost in her appearance. She is very attractive. I wanted to know who she was to Alejandro. As the conversation continues my eyes are glued on her.

"You are Alejandro's little sister, aren't you?" the teacher said while rolling her eyes. His little sister? I didn't know he had a little sister.

Well maybe I should get to know her. Maybe toy with her, flirt and make her brother pissed.

Make her want me.

Then I will leave her like she is nothing but an old toy with no fixing.

She looks around for a seat and her eyes land on the one next to mine.

She looked past me at the girl that was sitting on the other side of the empty seat. She comes over and sits, which makes me smirk knowing that she will be stuck next to me the whole year.

She scoots her seat away from mine and I continued to sneak glances of her for the entire class.

I notice a locket on her neck, and it makes me wonder who gave it to her. I wasn't paying attention to anything that the teacher was talking about, she was just blabbering about God knows what.

When the bell rings she gets up at talks to the girl again before facing me and begins packing her things until she finally looks at me with annoyance on her face and says "I'm sorry but are you just gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna go about your day? It is getting creepy."

I stand up and look down at her brown eyes. She is obviously pissed at me which is kind of hot honestly.

I look down then back up to her face and walk away.

I go to my second period and for some reason my mind wanders to that girl. Alejandro's sister. I knew what my plan was. I wanted to make her feel good then make her feel vulnerable. Just to piss her brother off.

I am sure her brother is overprotective so I hope he gets pissed and there will be nothing he can do about it because she will be obsessed with me.

When the bell rang, I began walking and then I saw Alejandro storming towards me with an angry look on his face. How pathetic.

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