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The opulent dining room in the Agarwal mansion exuded an air of grandeur, its walls adorned with shimmering gold accents that caught the flickering candlelight.

Yet, despite the lavish surroundings, an oppressive silence hung heavy in the air, suffocating any attempts at conversation.

I delicately chewed my food, each movement calculated to produce the least amount of noise possible. It was a dance of silence, a silent symphony orchestrated to appease the man seated across from me - Digvijay Aggarwal, the formidable business tycoon whose name echoed through the corridors of power.

My father, though revered in the business world, was a towering figure with a heart shrouded in shadows. I often wondered if he possessed any semblance of humanity beneath his icy exterior, or if his heart had been replaced with stone long ago.

Beside him sat his second wife, a woman whose presence in our lives was as unwelcome as a chill wind in the dead of winter. She was a delicate porcelain doll, her movements measured and precise, as if afraid to disturb the delicate balance of our fragile existence.

We sat across from each other, two silent souls bound together by circumstances.

Every movement, every breath, was carefully monitored, for even the slightest disturbance could set off a chain reaction of anger. And so we dined in silence, prisoners of our own making, bound by invisible chains forged from fear and obligation.

"I have accepted the Singhania's proposal," my father declared, his voice slicing through the heavy silence like a sharpened blade.

It was a rare occurrence for him to address me directly, his attention usually reserved for matters of business rather than familial affairs.

I remained silent, my head bowed in deference, as was expected of me in his presence.

"They have asked for Samaira's hand in exchange for the business deal," he continued, his words landing like a weight upon my shoulders, causing me to freeze in disbelief. Did he just...?

The clatter of my spoon hitting the table echoed in the stillness of the room, a stark contrast to the calm façade I struggled to maintain. Panic surged through me, threatening to engulf my senses as I realized the gravity of his words.

He couldn't possibly be considering... selling me off in a marriage contract.

Silence descended once more, thick and suffocating, as the implications of my father's words hung in the air like a heavy fog, obscuring any hope of clarity or understanding.

The oppressive silence that followed my father's announcement was deafening, each passing moment stretching out into eternity as we sat frozen in disbelief.

My stepmother remained motionless, her delicate features fixed in a mask of serenity, her silence a testament to the powerlessness that bound her to my father's will.

As for me, I was rendered speechless by the sheer audacity of my father's decree.

Marriage? The mere thought sent shivers down my spine, a cold dread coiling in the pit of my stomach. How could he make such a monumental decision with such casual indifference, as if he were discussing nothing more than the weather?

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