Phase 3

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       As I lay there in so much pain, to the point that I couldn't even walk, my prayers were answered. My best friend, Olivia, lived next door .  I could look right out of my bedroom window, directly into hers. We would often climb through each other's windows at night, while our parents were asleep and talk to boys on the phone. She heard me screaming and raised my window to see what was the problem. To her surprise, she started screaming as soon as she saw what looked like a crime scene. I told her I needed help, but she was in shock from all the blood. She ran from my room , yelling for my parents, telling them something had happened to me, but no one was in the house. She then called 911, as I blacked out again.
            Here it is a short time later, I'm laying in a hospital bed, with a doctor and nurse standing over me, at the door, there was a detective. Dazed and confused, I asked them what was happening. The doctor starts to ask questions like, "are you aware of what you did to yourself "? I'm like, "what do you mean"? In all the chaos I totally forgot I had just learned I was pregnant hours before, so instantly I flashed back to all the blood that I was covered in. I asked the doctor if my baby was ok. He looked at the detective and back at me before saying, "No, your baby is not ok, and you are not either"!! The wind just left my body as I thought, no, wait what happened to my baby? I struggled to try and remember the events that took place before I passed out the first time and all I remember is my dad coming towards me with a wire hanger in his hand.  I don't know why and I don't know what happened after that. I instantly began to cry and I asked the doctor what was wrong. He said, " Ms. May, did you inflict bodily harm on yourself"? Surprised, I exclaimed, "no I didn't. Why are you asking me this, what is wrong with me and my baby"? He then told me that my baby had been aborted! "Aborted, what do you mean aborted?, How"?! He then went on to say that not only had the baby been aborted but I suffered extreme injuries as a result. He then asked me if I had anything to do with it or any knowledge of how it happened, and if I had sought a back room abortion?
        At this moment, everything came rushing back to my memory. I started to speak out as I remembered, I told the doctor the last thing I remember is my father being very upset that I was pregnant and coming at me with a wire hanger , then pushing me down on the bed, feeling a pain that was horrifying and passing out!  
       The detective then rushed over and asked where were my parents? I had totally forgot about them, not thinking why are they not here. I told her I didn't know and looked back to the doctor, I asked him if i was ok and what injuries I sustained. He then explained that someone had performed a back door abortion on me, USING A WIRE CLOTHES HANGER.! He explained that the hanger did internal damage on me and I would never be able to conceive again!!

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