Phase 12

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       AT THIS MOMENT I AM TOO CONFUSED!  I see my husband going in a hotel room, kissing another woman! That's not the half of it , this nigga is kissing Olivia! How the fuck does he know Olivia? How long has he been seeing her? This was once my best friend, but I haven't talked to her since I was assaulted by my dad! Like, "I must be dreaming, like my eyes have got to be deceiving me"!
      I am so dazed and confused that my legs feel numb. I want to walk up to the door and confront them, but I literally can't move. All I can do is sit there with tears streaming down my eyes! How can he cheat on me with my best friend? I thought he really loved me and I  never thought he would cheat on me! I thought I was doing the right thing by marrying my high school sweetheart, now I hate the day I ever met this motherfucker!  If I get out of this car right now, I'm gonna have 2 more bodies under my belt, only difference, I know I can't get away with self defense this time. Even though these are 2 foul individuals, and  this shit hurts me to my core, it's not a physical threat to me! I won't risk my freedom for these rat bitches, but I am going to lay down a trap for these motherfuckers, because I refuse to be played like this!         
        All the shit he has done to me and I still remained faithful, but he has the nerves to fuck over me, WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!? Oh he done lost his gotdam mind, but I'm about to make him find himself!!
     I decide to go home and wait on him,  but I go through the back door so he doesn't see me arrive on camera! 
         I'm sitting there thinking about how these 2 assholes met each other and how long have they been fucking around. I never mentioned Olivia to Rayshawn but Olivia knows about Rayshawn.  Surely she knew this was my Rayshawn, she had to know! I showed this bitch a picture of him in the school's yearbook! How the fuck did she manage to get in touch with my husband but she couldn't locate me? Trust and believe, I will get to the bottom of this bullshit! I'm not even hurt anymore. ATP, I'm just mad af!!!
      I have paced the floors back and forth and this dirty bastard is still not home! It's 6 fucking am. So, this filthy whore took it upon himself to stay out all night! So I decide to call and see if he answers. He answers in a sleepy voice and I say, "oh, did I wake you"? This grimy bitch has the nerves to say, "yeah, I'm asleep, what you think I'm doing at 6 am"? BIIIIITCH! "Uhh, laying up cheating with my best friend", is what I'm saying in my head! So , I  simply said, "well ok, I hope you're not on my side of the bed because I'm climbing strait in bed once I get there"! To which a lying bitch replies, " yea I am, what time you getting here so I can get on my side"? It took everything in me not to say "you're a lying bastard"! But I didn't, I just let him know I'll be there in about 30 minutes! That gave me enough time to go swap cars and  let him get in., and once I get back in, oh the games gone begin! He and this lot lizard ass bitch is about to learn not to play with me TODAY!! I DON'T WANA BE A KILLER, BUT BITCH DON'T PUSH ME!!!

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