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Am I already...?

As I opened my eyes, a cold breeze touches my skin. I looked around and I saw myself in the middle of the woods, tears are scaping from my eyes and sweats are rolling by. I sighed, I can’t see anything but darkness. I stopped and tried to catch for air to breathe when suddenly, I heard a footsteps behind me and I got frozen for a while when it suddenly spoke. I don’t really want to see what’s behind on me but it looks like someone is pushing me to look at my back. It's scary, tsk.

“ Aren’t you tired from running huh?” A familiar voice spoke behind me and it sent shiver down my spine. I slowly looked at my back and I got frightened. I ran again towards the woods because of what happened—I’m scared. This is... this is totally crazy! W-what happened to me... to my body? I can literally lost my consciousness anytime, after seeing the other self of me, holding a knife while smiling evily.

“ ahhhhh!” napahiyaw ako ng bigla kong matapakan ang isang kahoy dahilan para magka sugat-sugat ang mga paa ko. Pagod na ako, pagod na pagod. Nanginginig na ang mga tuhod ko at alam ko na sa anumang oras, babagsak na ang katawan ko.

Naupo ako sa ilalim ng isang malaking puno hanggang sa ‘di ko namamalayang nakatulog na pala ako.

“ Where am I?” I asked as I looked around and found myself on an unfamiliar place, the place was so dark and I can only see my self lying on the bed—pale‚ looking lifeless.

I tried to move myself and I flinched when I felt something on my left hand. Slowly, I turned my gaze and looked at it and I gasped at was I saw. May hands were so pale. I slowly get up from bed and then sat up and leaned on the headboard.

When I felt like my energy was back, I stood up and walked slowly towards the mirror on the wall and since it was full moon, I can fully see myself in the mirror. I scanned every inch of my existence. I caressed my face that is as white as a bond paper. I closed my eyes and savor the cold breeze of air that was coming from the open window. I exhaled exasperatedly before opening my eyes and I was woke up from my reverie when someone cleared his voice behind me. The door were now open and a drop dead gorgeous man was standing near the door, still holding the door knob while looking at me.

He has these thick eyebrows, long ang curly eyelashes, proud and pointed nose, stubborn square jawline line, thin ang kissable lips but not to mention those tantalizing eyes of his that made me froze on my place. The way he looked at me made my knees buckled.

He closed the door and took a threatening steps towards me, but I didn't feel scared. I was too stunned by those piercing blue eyes of his that was locked on my hazel ones.

“Why are you standing there? Aren’t you supposed to be on the bed, resting?” his voice echoed inside the room, giving me goosebumps. It took me seconds to find my own voice.

“Who are you?” The first words that came out from my mouth. “What happened to me? Why am I here? Why...”

“You’re in my room.” He walks towards the walk-in closet and get something in it before facing me, he still has this piercing stares that was making me uncomfortable and I feel like covering myself. “...and to answer your question, I am Ryan and I don’t know what happened to you. I just saw you in the root of a big tree, resting and bathing in your own blood. Thanks to my sister, Claire, for cleaning you up.” He pointed something on my back, and there was a tray of food on the bedside table.

I swallowed hard when I suddenly felt hungry and I gasped when he walked towards me and suddenly carry me bridal style and then disposed me on the bed.

“Stay.” His voice was filled with finality when I was about to stand. “Stay there, eat and rest. You lost too much blood and you need to restore your energy.” He put the tray in front of me and fixed my dinner before standing straight. He looked at me like he was memorizing every inch of my face and then he frowned.

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