Not that smart

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“I can’t believe you followed me after I told you not to,” Jay exasperatedly said, he was disappointed in Sunghoon. Sunghoon had honestly thought he’d have known better, but that was probably still not an excuse. Either way, that wasn’t entirely true anymore.

“First, I wasn’t technically following you this time,” Sunghoon scoffed. It really had been accidental, a coincidence, since both him and Heeseung knew this was just an excuse to keep meeting up. “Secondly, I can’t believe you are meeting a human in secret!”

“I— Well, what did you expect? That I’d tell you after everything you’ve said about humans?” He crossed his arms, indignant. “And if you weren’t following me, how did you get here?” Jay questioned, obviously not believing Sunghoon.

Now Sunghoon was faced with two issues. He was either going to have to admit to having been following Jay, though he’d never got to this place before; or he’d have to tell him about Heeseung, which would expose just how hypocritical he’d been just a minute or so before. In truth, he was screwed regardless. If he honestly told Jay how he’d got there, he’d know he’d been following him before because there was no universe in which Sunghoon would have voluntarily swum close to the shore. Unless he had wanted to find out what Jay was doing. Whether that reason still remained was not important. And what’s worse was that Jay would immediately point out how he was judging him for talking to a human, while Sunghoon was doing the same himself. 

“Well… I tried following you… but I could never find out where you went!” Sunghoon was forced to admit. “I always lost you a bit further back, I have no idea how you get here,” he looked to the side, avoiding Jay’s piercing gaze as he was trying to clock his lie.

“So you got here by chance today? Decided to fuck it and swim close to a human town?” Jay pointed out some of the reasons why Sunghoon’s explanation didn’t fit his personality at all. 

“Maybe… Maybe I was a bit harsh about humans…” Sunghoon muttered.

“Right, you just had a change of heart…” Jay rolled his eyes. “Jungwon’s nice and wouldn’t hurt anybody, but there was someone else up there with him! Someone I don’t know, what if he’d seen you or me?” Jay took a cautious and fearsome tone. “This is dangerous, he could be dangerous—” 

“Heeseung would never harm anyone, he’s not dangerous!” Sunghoon was quick to defend Heeseung, though maybe he should have thought before he spoke.

“Heeseung?” Jay’s mouth was slightly open in surprise, completely taken aback by Sunghoon’s outburst to protect a human.

At that moment, Sunghoon was tempted to escape. To swim as fast and as far away from Jay as possible, just so he’d avoid answering any more questions. Realistically, though, he knew he couldn’t. Even if he managed to swim fast enough for Jay not to catch him, they lived in the same community and would eventually have to see each other. There was no place for him to hide and virtually no way for him to avoid Jay forever. Especially not if he wanted to see Heeseung again, because Jay would know where to find him then and Sunghoon refused to give up his time with Heeseung. 

“You see… Maybe I… met Heeseung before?” He fidgeted lightly playing with the membrane and fins on the side of his hips. 

“You met a human,” Jay rephrased. “You met a human and decided to trust him.”

“Not right away, but I… might have met him a couple of times…” Sunghoon added, which he knew didn’t make him look good.

“A couple of times,” Jay repeated. Sunghoon nodded, still avoiding Jay’s direct eye contact. “How long ago did you meet him?”

Can't Believe it's a Human | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now