Like Feet

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It wasn’t often that Heeseung felt pressured to do something, and even when he did, it was usually self-pressure. The current situation was way different, with Sunoo burning holes on him just from his intense stare. This was taking place as Riki rambled about some new article or something of the sorts that he had read about merpeople. 

Admittedly, the whole situation was bizarre and slightly uncomfortable. Jimin was fidgety instead of her usual enthusiastic self when it came to merfolk, Sunoo was glaring at him, Jungwon was on edge even though only Heeseung knew about him and he didn’t know Jimin and Sunoo had found out, and Riki was starting to catch on that something was up. It was only a matter of time until Riki asked about it or Sunoo forced it out of Heeseung. It wasn’t really fair, Heeseung would have preferred to tell everyone in time, when he felt ready. He would have preferred to tell them after his relationship with Sunghoon had grown a little and they had the time to talk about it. 

At least, he would like to tell Riki privately, not in between their friends who already knew everything, and even less in such a public place where anyone could hear. Granted, most would probably think Heeseung was either a pervert with a very specific fetish, dating one of those mermaid actresses or completely insane, but he would rather keep everyone out of his business. And he would have it that way. 

So, that’s what he did. He got Riki to come with him after lunch back to his apartment, never mind that Riki actually had classes after it. Just this once, Heeseung would not mention it. Sunoo seemed to agree with his plan, as he didn’t comment on it at all, while Jungwon looked suspiciously at Heeseung. They could have that talk later. Jimin seemed relieved that she wouldn’t have to be present for it, probably not knowing how to tell Riki she had only known for a day. 

Heeseung thought Riki would easily believe him, maybe be a little overexcited about it. Instead, Riki was furious with him and did not believe a word coming out of Heeseung’s mouth. In fact, Heeseung would go as far as to say he looked betrayed and disappointed in Heeseung.

“Very funny, hyung,” Riki faked a laugh. 

“I’m not joking,” Heeseung tried to remain serious, though Riki was making him nervous.

“Listen, I know you don’t really like when I talk about merpeople and all that, but this is a bit much,” Riki sighed, apparently trying to get Heeseung to tell him the truth. 

“I— Well, okay, I can’t really argue that,” Heeseung thought his best course of action was to be completely honest. “But I promise I’m being serious right now, my boyfriend’s a merman.”

“Stop, just… drop it? I never thought you’d make fun of me like this, but it’s not nice…” Riki looked devastated and Heeseung panicked. He didn’t like the look on his face and he wanted to be believed. 

“I’m not. I’m not making fun of you, I’m trying—” Heeseung couldn’t even come up with anything to make Riki believe him. Somehow, he knew that no matter what he said, Riki would still think it was all a joke. “W-what if I took you to meet him?”

“What?” Riki stopped moping for a second, surprised by Heeseung’s suggestion.

“Yeah, yes. Next time I go to meet him, I’ll take you with me,” Heeseung just knew Sunghoon would murder him, but he’d have to meet Riki at some point anyway.

“Why not now?” Riki eyes him with suspicion. 

“Because I can’t just call him, we have set days and times to meet,” Heeseung explained, trying not to sound like it was obvious. 

Anxiously, Heeseung awaited Riki’s response. It seemed like he didn’t fully believe Heeseung, but he couldn’t pass up on the opportunity of possibly meeting an actual merfolk. Heeseung could see how conflicted Riki was, though part of it was probably also because he wanted to believe Heeseung was sincere. 

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