School Part 1

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(Classes in high school are like college, you choose your classes)

Alexander's POV

I wake up to the sound of rustling outside my room, likely due to an awake Jordan getting ready for class. I groan and check the time, noticing how early it is, I decide to get up, adjusting my clothing beforehand. I open my door and walk out to the hall, watching as Jordan rushes around, "Morning, gonna be late or something?" I ask, walking into the kitchen, putting two toast in the toaster and starting to brew my coffee. I stand at the kitchen entrance, watching as Jordan rushes around, looking for things, "Yea, I woke up late" Jordan shouts across the apartment.

I stand there for a few more seconds, watching as Jordan rushes around, before I hear the sound pop up, turning my attention to the toaster and coffee machine in the kitchen. I pour my coffee, adding creamer and sugar then stirring, "You want coffee?" I ask, shouting for Jordan to hear me. Once I hear Jordan's affirmative, I pour him a coffee into a to-go cup with a lid. I take the toast out of the toaster and put some butter on it. Taking a bite of my buttered toast as I sit and eat at the counter, pulling out my phone and watching some videos and updating my social media. I feel a fast gust of wind behind me, assuming it's Jordan, I speak up, "Plain coffee, you can add sugar or creamer if you want" I mumble as I take another bite of my toast.

"What classes do you have today?" Jordan asked behind me, I felt his presence watching over my shoulder as I edited a few things on my socials, "Just some afternoon ones" I mumble, taking a sip of my coffee. I turn my phone off, set it screen down then turn to face Jordan, "Thought you were gonna be late" I say, crossing my legs and sipping my coffee, watching as Jordan shrugs, "I have a few minutes to spare" Jordan said, holding eye contact before speaking up again, "You don't seem like you have a anything to hide" He said, in which I assumed meant that he was referring to the earlier when I was on my phone, not caring who sees. I shrug, "I don't have much to hi-" I get cut off by Jordan, "Much? So you have something to hide" Jordan says, now sounding completely curious. I pause, picking my phone up and handing it to him, "feel free to look through my phone, I have Nothing to hide" I reply to him taking a sip of my coffee.

I close my eyes, "2 8 4 9" I say, hearing four taps on my phone followed by a few more tapping and swiping sounds. I feel him sit down in the stool next to me, my curiosity getting the better of me, I open my eyes and watch him open a few different apps, having a slight idea of what he could be looking for. I watch him for a few minutes before he turns my phone off and hands it back to me, "I have to go" Jordan says, grabbing his things and leaving. I sip my coffee a while longer before standing up and heading to my room, getting ready for the day but deciding against it and just laying back down on my bed.

I opened my phone and noticed the last thing Jordan had opened, my images, a specific image opened with me in the frame, only a towel loosely around my waist and wet hair, my toned abs were quite visible in the picture, one might even say glowing. I had taken it maybe a year or two back so I had forgotten about it completely. I smirked and decided to send it to Jordan since he was already looking at it, glancing at the time and making a mental note to get some work done in about an hour. I quickly forget about that mental note due to falling asleep soon after.

Jordan's POV

I rushed out the door with my stuff and ran to school so as to not be late, my mind focused on the picture I had seen on Alexander's phone. It may not have been the most dirty picture ever but it was certainly something I just hadn't expected to stumbleupon. I slow down my pace into a walk once I get about two blocks or so away from the school. Feeling my phone vibrate as I pull it out, a notification from Alexander, it was the picture I was last looking at. Alexander with wet hair and glistening abs, a sharp V-line leading down to the loose towel that threatens to fall, showing small of pubic hairs, I immediately blush and type back to Alexander in an angry fast text as I make it to my first class of the days, one that does not allow phones out.

After about 45 minutes, the bell rang for the next class. I had felt my phone vibrate multiple times during my first class. Luckily for me, the next class allowed us to take our phones out. I quickly arrive at my next class, a bit earlier than usual and sit in the back row, taking my phone out, seeing a mess of text messages from a few different people, one is from Arthur, my best friend, another from Milo, my close friend, and a few from Alexander. I sigh and go to reply to Arthur.

Arthur: Yo, What classes you got today. Wanna hang out during break? Sent at 9:42 AM

Jordan: I got most classes but sure, we can hangout during break sent at 10:03 AM

I go to look at what Alexander had texted me, two messages and one attachment. I open our conversation and read the two texts

Alexander: I'm boooooored, when are you coming home?

Alexander: You want me to bring you anything for lunch?

I hesitate as I debate to scroll down and look at the picture Alexander had sent me. After a minute of debating and a few other people entering, I scroll down and look at the picture, it was a remake of the one Alexander had caught me looking at earlier, except this one looked recent. Water running down Alexander's chest and sharp abs, glistening in the morning light, the towel around his waist basically falling off, only being held in place with his hand, revealing most of his V-line, his other hand holding his phone, a smirk across his face. I stare at the picture for several moments, noticing all the other kids starting to file in as the bell rings, I sigh and quickly reply to Alexander's offer to bring food

Jordan: Yea, could you just bring me some salad and mango along with some passion fruit tea? Don't question it, I'm just craving it. Sent at 10:11 AM

I reply and turn my phone off as the class begins and the teacher walks in. I sigh and close my eyes, leaning back in the chair, quickly falling asleep. I jolt awake suddenly by the bell, yawning, I stand up and grab my things, walking out of the classroom and to the library for break.

Small note, I started another story for smut, you can go check it out if you'd like, there is still gonna be smut in this but just more smut in the other.

Also, once I get to chapter 10 I'm gonna be publishing once a week

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