Screw up : Step one, be charming

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Or not...I screwed up. Really bad...

As we made our way through the bustling airport terminal, my heart pounded with anticipation. This was it – the moment I had been waiting for. The moment I would finally have the chance to make a lasting impression on Y/N and, hopefully, charm my way into her heart as her best friend.

But as we approached our gate, my confidence began to waver. What if I said the wrong thing? What if I made a fool of myself in front of Y/N? The doubts swirled around in my mind, threatening to overshadow my carefully laid plans.

Just then, I caught sight of her in the crowd – a vision of beauty amidst the chaos of the airport. Her hair cascaded in waves around her shoulders, her eyes sparkling with warmth and kindness. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I struggled to find the words to greet her.

But before I could even utter a simple hello, disaster struck. As if on cue, my feet seemed to betray me, tangling themselves in an invisible obstacle course of their own making. I stumbled forward, my arms windmilling wildly as I desperately tried to regain my balance.

But it was too late. With a graceless thud, I found myself sprawled out on the floor, my face pressed against the cold tile as a chorus of gasps and giggles erupted around me.

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I struggled to pick myself up off the ground, my pride wounded by the humiliating display. Why did these things always happen to me? Why couldn't I just be smooth and suave like I had planned?

As I finally managed to push myself into a sitting position, I glanced up to find Y/N standing before me, a look of concern etched across her features. She crouched down beside me, her hair falling like a curtain around her face as she reached out a hand to help me up.

"Are you okay...?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle as she gazed at me with those impossibly beautiful eyes.

I opened my mouth to respond, but no words came out. All the oxygen seemed to have been sucked out of the room, leaving me gasping for air as I struggled to form a coherent sentence.

In that moment, as we locked eyes, time seemed to stand still. I couldn't tear my gaze away from hers, captivated by the sheer depth of emotion that flickered within their depths. It was as if I were seeing her for the first time, really seeing her – and I couldn't help but be struck by just how pretty she was.

But before I could dwell on the realization for too long, a cacophony of voices broke through the haze, reminding me of our surroundings. The spell was broken, and I scrambled to my feet, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I mumbled a feeble apology.

Y/N's lips quirked into a sympathetic smile as she reassured me that it was okay, but I couldn't shake the feeling of utter mortification that washed over me like a tidal wave. How could I have been so clumsy? So utterly, embarrassingly, and irredeemably awkward?

As we made our way to our seats on the plane, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just ruined my plan, all my hardwork going in vain. But as I glanced over at Y/N, who was chatting animatedly with Taehyung, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of something...

I settled into my seat on the plane though it did little to ease, my mind which was a whirlwind of confusion and conflicting emotions. Why had I reacted the way I did when I saw Y/N? Why couldn't I speak? And why, out of nowhere, had I suddenly noticed how pretty she was?

I shook my head, trying to dispel the intrusive thoughts that threatened to overwhelm me. This wasn't like me at all. I was Park Jimin, confident and composed, not some bumbling fool who couldn't string two words together in front of a pretty girl.

But as much as I tried to rationalize my reaction, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the pit of my stomach. It was as if a switch had been flipped, awakening a part of me that I didn't even know existed.

I glanced over at Y/N, who was engrossed in conversation with Taehyung, her laughter ringing out like music in the cramped confines of the airplane cabin. A pang of jealousy surged through me, followed by a wave of guilt. What right did I have to feel jealous? Y/N and Taehyung were friends, just like she and I were supposed to be.

But the truth was, we weren't even friends. Not really. Sure, we had made amends after our initial misunderstandings, but our relationship was still strained at best. And now, with these newfound feelings bubbling to the surface, I couldn't help but feel like I was treading on dangerous ground.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration. Maybe it was guilt that was clouding my judgment. Maybe I still felt remorse for my past actions, and seeing Y/N again had brought all those feelings rushing back to the surface.

Or maybe it was something else entirely. Maybe there was a part of me that secretly longed for more – more than just a friendship, more than just a casual acquaintance. But that was ridiculous, right? Y/N was my junior, someone who looked up to me as a senior. And besides, she was Taehyung's best friend, someone who was already so deeply entrenched in his life.

I couldn't risk jeopardizing their relationship, not when they were so close. No matter how much it pained me to see her laughing with him instead of me, I couldn't let my selfish desires get in the way of their friendship.

With a heavy heart, I resigned myself to the reality of the situation. Y/N and I were just two acquaintances, nothing more. And no matter how confusing my feelings may be, I couldn't afford to let them interfere with the delicate balance of their friendship.

As the plane taxied down the runway, bound for our destination, I silently promised to keep my feelings in check. It was the only way to ensure that I didn't make things even more complicated than they already were.



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