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When Ana went to unlock her front door after the eventful dinner she noticed something was wrong someone was in the house

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When Ana went to unlock her front door after the eventful dinner she noticed something was wrong someone was in the house.She took the small pistol out of her purse and held it up as she walked through the dark house surveying every corner of each room.

"There's no need for that." A familiar voice came from behind her.

Ana turned around still pointing the gun in front of her and smiled and the red-headed figure.

"Got to keep me on my toes don't you Nat." Ana spoke putting her gun down and leaping to give her favourite avenger a hug.

"I missed you Stacy." Natasha replied hugging her back.

"You know you're the only one that calls me that."

"It just means I'm special."

After their short reunion Ana and Nat sat at a table with files and photos spread across it.Ana sipped on her tea while Nat explained the situation.

"We stopped him from creating anymore chemically controlled widows but he still has the ones that he already had made. I got a hit from a CCTV camera that two widows were in Bucharest, Romania eight hours ago." Nat explained showing the images of the widows.

"And if they know they were spotted they would hide out there for 48 hours to stop them leading anyone to the red room." Ana added.

"Correct, meaning we need to leave in the next 5 hours to get to them before they leave."

"Let me guessed you've already got a ride."

"Quin jet is in a field near by."

"Give me an hour."

Ana put her weapons, extra clothes and suit in a bag. She grabbed her phone and called her closet friend she had made, Caroline.

"Stas what's up its like one am." Caroline groaned.

"I'm leaving for a bit Care." Ana spoke zipping her bag up.

"what.."Care whispered.

"Don't worry it will be no longer that a week and I need a break anyway, just tell the others not to be stupid."

Ana had thought Caroline had hung up after the line was silent for so long.

"Be careful, I-I cant lose you." Care said her voice breaking halfway through.

Caroline was the only one out of the mystic falls group that new about Anas past. Ana had sobbed to her after a horrible nightmare at one of their sleepovers and they have been thick as thieves ever since.

"I'll try."

"I love you."

"Love you to care."

The hum of the Quinjet's engines reverberated through the cabin as Ana settled into her seat, her gaze drifting out of the window to the vast expanse of sky stretching endlessly before her. Beside her, Nat, her companion on this journey, was looking through texts on her phone.

"What happened?" Nat asked not looking away from her phone

"What's that supposed to mean." Ana replied

Nat raised her eyebrows at Ana to speak.

"Someone that I quite liked ....um left and isn't coming back."Ana admitted a straight look on her face.

Nat sensing ana didn't want to talk about it didn't push and instead explained the newest avengers gossip.

"They want to meet you." She told Ana.

"mhm they will, but I'm a very busy person, you see."Ana joked.

"yeah right, in the most quite town in the world."

"you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

As the Quinjet soared through the clouds, Ana and Nat reviewed their mission objectives, their voices low yet filled with conviction. They were prepared for whatever challenges awaited them, drawing strength from each other's presence.

Despite the gravity of their mission, moments of levity broke through the tension. Nat's dry wit and Ana's quick retorts filled the cabin with laughter, a brief respite from the weight of their responsibilities.

As they neared their destination, Ana and Nat grew quiet, their focus intensifying as they prepared for the task ahead. With practiced efficiency, they geared up.

Ana's suit was a sleek ensemble, blending style with functionality. Its white fabric hugged her form, offering both protection and flexibility. Pockets and holders lined the fabric ready to be filled with whatever weapons she may need. Ana's favourite part however was the shoes, her boots were a gift from a friend of Anas called Shuri. She made them so they would absorb any sound her feet would make against the ground, making them perfect for missions.

With a gentle descent, the Quinjet touched down, its engines winding down as the ramp lowered, revealing the unknown awaiting them. Ana and Nat exchanged a glance, their resolve unshakable as they stepped onto the tarmac, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

 Ana and Nat exchanged a glance, their resolve unshakable as they stepped onto the tarmac, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together

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