Chapter Five

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Sam looking through yet another set of windows, more than impressed at what she had found exploring the building. After eating what she found the twins and Papa had been making, some kind of fruit mixed with nuts she had asked if she could explore. Luke had seemed almost pleased at the request, nuzzling into her and letting her stand. It seemed the entire group decided to join them though, the children eagerly showing her what they thought she would like in each new room or as they walked around. From what she had seen this wasn't just an old home, but some kind of huge lodge. On the lower floor what must have once been a huge consecratory or sun room was now a green house, which explained how they had access to more than just meat this morning. Mama had been happy to let Sam look, but kept her from touching anything growing. She had never been allocated to growing food so she could name a lot of plants, but she could make out carrots some kind of beans and the more obvious fruit trees they had. 

There were also a few rooms where there were piles of stored supplies, including old medicines and material's she herself had never seen scavenged. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch that they could have been stored here for years, if this family unit had been living here before they could have been gathering from day one. Or even had things brought in before the world began to collapse even. Despite wanting to look around outside the twins had refused to allow her near the doors, with Luke and Papa quickly backing them up. Mama just offered a simple "Too cold" to explain their refusal to let her outside, which considering she was still only in her underwear it made sense. While the weather hadn't fully started to turn yet, in this little clothing Sam knew she wouldn't do well outside.

She didn't bother asking for clothes though, if their reaction was anything to go by they didn't want her outside all together. Luke continued to hover close to her, his body especially ridged if she was near any kind of doorway outside. It was clear he was on the alert for if she tried to run. As of this moment Sam knew better than that. Not only was the entire family locked in on her, but she had nothing to take or even on her to help her survive to get back to the settlement. Even as they had gone to the second floor giving her a better view of the surrounding area, Sam had no idea where they were located. All she could gather was they were in what seemed to be an isolated location. No other buildings that she could make out were in the area, other than a couple of structures which had clearly only been far smaller. It was difficult to tell from so far away, but they seemed open and run down too. Like they had been raided and stripped for what they were worth. Seeing everything inside the building she was still exploring it made sense. This family were smart, to use the close by buildings for materials parts and supplies before moving further out would likely be their first move.

That aside it would also be a good place to use to trap animals. Old open buildings would attract wildlife, so having them there meant during the winter animals may stay close for shelter. Leaving them open to being hunted by anyone close by. Even if a herd knew predators lived close in winter they rarely abandoned anywhere safe to sleep and stay warm. So if the group was smart and only hunted close to their shelter instead of raiding it, they could have a constant source of food specially if they used scraps to coax animals out. With their green house looking healthy it wouldn't be too much of a wild guess. A small hand pulled Sam from her deep thoughts once again, as Lily gently got her attention showing her she wanted to go in another room. Smiling a little at the little girl Sam followed, she had noticed Lily seemed reluctant at first to touch her unlike her brothers. Jamie being uninfected as he was had no reservations on the matter, he even wanted to be carried at one point.

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