Chapter Two

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Groaning at the pain thrumming in her head Sam rolled to her side, hoping it wasn't a migraine forming as she swallowed finding her throat and tongue dry; quickly finding the source was being near dehydration. It wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last but she couldn't remember how she got so thirsty, she had taken a drink before she... slowly opening her eyes Sam took in her surroundings for the first time; and felt her stomach drop. She was on a bed in a small room, frowning she sat up a little looking around; the walls were a mixture of stone and wood with a couple of windows that let in some sunlight. It was set out with a small double day bed which she was laying in, a few draws and wardrobe and a rug which seemed like it was worn and aging from use; looking around though it was clear the room wasn't maintained or cleaned as it should be. Finally her eye set on the door and was so thankful to find it closed, pulling the covers back as she sat up Sam frowned at how cold she felt; rubbing a hand over her arm she instantly looked down. Only to find she was wearing nothing! "Where the hell are my clothes?!" whispering furiously to herself she looked around for her looking for her clothes, finally her old worn trousers caught her eyes and she couldn't have been more pleased to see the worn brown material in her life; and her green tank top peaked out underneath hopefully along with her underwear. Staying still as her eyes went between the door and the only clothing she had Sam listened for any noise or possible movement outside the room, hearing nothing didn't mean there was no one there and she was more than aware of how silent infected people could be; deciding it was a risk worth taking to be covered she slowly stood walking timidly towards her clothes. Eyes darting between the door and her clothing she slowly began to pull out her shirt sending a thank you to anyone who was listening, pulling on her underwear she moved to take her trousers; stilling in place when the door opened. Confused when she saw no one her gaze lowered her eyes finally landing on a little boy, her memory filled her in instantly and for a moment she debated on what to do; but her nature soon got the better of her as she shakily smiled lowering to his level. 

His dirty blonde hair was short and shaggy giving him a cute appearance with his blue eyes watching her full of curiosity, he came closer leaving the door open as he openly took her in; Sam remained still as he came to stand in front of her his hands coming instantly to touch her face and hair. The childish action was comforting despite the situation she was in and she smiled more firmly, letting the child explore as he wanted to Sam took the time to look at him more closely; he wasn't like any infected child she had heard of or seen before. He was focused on his exploration and paid no mind to any of her movements or the space around him, infected children were especially alert when not accompanied by their parents or members of the family group; and he was all alone with her. Reaching up gently she moved her hands to touch his cheek, all he did was smile and continue to explore seemingly happy to let her touch him; eyes widening slightly as her mouth parted she confirmed her suspicion... he wasn't infected. The only way that was possible after being exposed for so long was he was immune, and that was only possible if he had the recessive gene like she did and the odd of that happening were so low it was unbelievable; Sam could feel her headache growing just thinking about it. "What's your name pretty lady?" The quiet voice surprised her making her open mouth close as she blinked focusing back on the little boy in front of her, swallowing feeling her throat protest she tried to keep her voice stable but couldn't help how quiet it came out; the dryness making it difficult for any sound to leave her throat. "Samantha, bu-but you can call me Sam" The little boy tilted his head as if pondering her before he looked around, his eyes landing on an old cup on a small bed side table she hadn't noticed and went to it; watching as he walked slowly back to her she took in his beaming smile as he held the cup out to her. Slowly taking it to her surprise there was water inside and it looked clean, seeing nothing inside that could hurt her she took a small smell of the cup's content before taking a long sip; as soon as the water hit her throat she felt better and soon continued sipping the content until it was drained completely.

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