Chapter Four

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Being surrounded by softness and warmth was a foreign way to wake up for Sam, and almost as soon as her senses kicked in she forced her eyes to open; looking around in mild panic for a few seconds before her surroundings told her where she was. Letting a breathe leave her chest she looked down seeing the sourced of warmth around her stomach, the large arm banded around her middle holding her against a heated chest of the man behind her who seemed to still be deeply asleep behind her; his arm she realised had been under her head acting as a pillow. It was mildly surprising Luke had not woken when she had but then Sam had not moved much so perhaps he sense no danger, that left her slightly worried though as she had a pressing matter that needed tending to as her blander ached being so full; glancing around Sam noticed a door that she had missed the day before and hoped it was a bathroom. Looking behind her as she slowly pulled herself forward Sam watched for any sign Luke would wake up, his face tensed a few times as she slowly moved but each time she stopped Luke's face softened again before moving once more; and when she was finally almost free Sam pulled a pillow forward to replace her form. When she was finally free of the bed Sam waited for a couple of seconds watching Luke's chest rise and fall as he arm lay over the pillow in her place, sure he would not notice her absence for a least a minute or two she made her way to the door pushing it forward; silently thanking whoever might listen when it didn't creak or make a loud noise as the metal of the hinges moved. Looking around inside the simple room her eyes just made out the reflection of white from a toilet along with various metals, of what she could only think were pipes taps or handles; but she couldn't care less about them as she moved onto the cold tiles towards her goal. Pushing down what little she had on Sam sat on the toilet letting out a quiet sigh of contentment, only for a eep to follow at the sound of hurried movement in the other room came followed by a flood of light as the partly open door was flung open; squinting under the new light Sam could make out Luke panting as his eyes looked her over almost franticly. The frantic look didn't last long as a low snarl left his throat as he came forward taking hold of Sam's arm, he pulled her as if trying to get her to stand up but she pushed against the flood finding enough traction to stay seated; his hold remained but the pressure of the pull lessoned as he looked at Sam more closely. Understanding seemed to dawn on him as he took in how Sam curled in on herself trying to hold some modesty, but his hold didn't leave her arm instead Luke turned his head away and Sam could have sworn she heard the word finish come from the man above her; even if she had miss heard Sam took the opening reaching for something to clean herself with finding what felt like old paper of some kind. Once she was done Sam reached for the flush surprised when it actually worked not having thought the water would be working in the building, most of the buildings made before the population became infected were not maintained with the acceptations of the ones claimed by uninfected population; but clearly this infected family was maintaining their home.

That sent a lot of questions running inside her head but Sam didn't have time to think on them, as the hand on her arm which had remained in place like a gentle band now began pulling once more guiding her up; Sam followed struggling to pull up her underwear as she was taken back into the main room. Swallowing heavily Sam let herself be pulled along until she was pressed into the bed, her knee's bending at the press of the bed behind making her sit down on the soft bedding once more; leaving Sam to glance up to look over the infected man standing over her. Luke's form was tense but there was no anger or aggression present on his face that she could detect, that helped Sam stay calm but it didn't settle her nerves as he continued to stand over her; his intense eyes boring into her like he was considering what to do with her. "At my side" The deep words made Sam jump from her position on the bed as she finally pulled enough courage to lock eyes with Luke, his eyes were firm but there was something in them that she could not place leaving Sam unsure how to interoperate the words; but it seemed Luke took her silence as need to continue. He leaned down releasing her fully to place his hands on the bed around her, effectively cadging her in and leaving Sam no choice but to keep her eyes connected with his; his voice seeming even deeper as if oozing authority. "Stay at my side, always. If you have needs, must wake me. Do NOT leave" Blinking a few times Sam tried to organise his words better in her head, she knew he was not happy she left before he woke up; so she wasn't suppose go anywhere without him... or waking him in this case? Frowning Sam opened her mouth ready to defend herself, but as soon as she opened her mouth the male above her growled moving closer which forced Sam to react in fear of angering him; looking away slightly Sam moved back as much as she could but felt her own hands slip leaving her to fall into the bedding and fur beneath her. Luke didn't stay as he was instead followed her lower until his face was running along her own, the feeling of his hot skin touching her as his head pushed hers to expose her throat forced a whimper out of Sam; the sound only repeating louder when something hot and wet ran along Sam's throat. She was certain it was Luke's tongue and it returned a moment after it first ran along her skin, the action as animalistic as it was made goose bumps rise under the attention leaving Sam to freeze in place; she had no idea what to do and in her position Sam had no way to push the man above her away as his weight now held her down.

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