Chapter One

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Sam wiped her forearm over her brow trying to wipe away the sweat beginning to collect there, the old cloth she had fashioned into a bandana over her mouth and nose made it hard to stay cool but until she left the ruins it had to stay on; it helped muffled the sound of her breathing and stop the dust and debris entering her lungs. Looking around the old isles of what had once been a supermarket Sam frowned again, nearly everything was gone from the day this apocalypse began and people collected what they could in panic; the only things left was the remains of the fresh food that had rotted away to nothing and a scarce few long life items. The city wasn't a safe place but there were far more dangerous places as only a few affected people lingered in the ruins, and with the season turning and the weather becoming colder it was a necessary risk to collect food; the animals were leaving until the spring and not all the crops provided a yield when harvested this year. Glancing around before climbing to see on the highest shelf Sam reached out grabbing tins and putting them on the lower shelf, she didn't want to risk dropping them and drawing any attention from anyone or anything nearby; once she had them all she climbed down before taking the tins and quickly putting them in the oversized pack she carried. She was one of three scouts out for food and knew they needed everything they could carry, already she had raided the reminisce of a pharmacy, market place and depot hub finding a few supplies their shelter could use; the added resources and food would tide them over until spring and mean they could maintain their defences. When the sound of metal clashing rang out in the abandoned building Sam stilled instantly all her senses go on high alert, her eyes glanced around looking for a place to hide and found an old meat counter; the smell of the meat that had rotted into the surface would be more than enough to hide her own scent and the large surface gave her a place to hide and see out of. Glancing around as she slowly made her way over to the counter Sam placed her pack over the side before slowly climbing over herself and propping herself against the counter, sitting up high enough to see over the counter now more than pleased about the cloth over her lower face for saving her the worst of the smell; her eyes continued to scan the isles around her waiting for anything that could come out praying it was just a old shelf that had fallen.

When a rat emerged from a few isles away she almost sighed in relief, the tension in her body releasing as she went to grab her pack to stand and continue her search; that was until two forms emerged one striking forward sharply and snatching the rat. Sam returned to hide out of sight watching on as the rat began to squeal and claw at its capture, unfortunately for the poor creature the second hand of its capture can grabbing its head and snapping it swiftly to the side efficiently silencing the struggling animal as its spine gave out under the swift movement; Sam couldn't help but swallow harshly as she continued to watch the rats capture. He looked like a man but she knew better, her eyes flickered to the second of the two as he came forward giving her a better look and confirming what she knew; they were infected. The signs weren't easy to see but she had four years of experience to help her pick them out, even now as Sam watched the two interact their actions she noticed the animalistic actions she hadn't the first time she encountered an infected person; staying still she took them in not recognising them from her last trip into this area. They were clearly twins which explained why they were together, infected people rarely hunted together unless they shared blood links; the infection coursing through them affected the connections to others limiting their tolerance to family or potential partners. At first that had confused people when the infection began spreading, it wasn't like an apocalypse out of a movie or horror movie; that would have made surviving easier or at least given scientists a chance at fixing it once it spread. This infection attacked with a slow rate of growth and it was spread to specific people, from what was left of research before the main circles of scientists and doctors fell it was found that some people were immune to the infection and it was spread by an airborne pathogen; no one had figured out where it came from that anyone she had spoken to knew of. Animals weren't affected at all as it seemed the strain was specific to the human's gene group, meaning animals wild and domestic alike simply carried on as the world fell around them; the world just stopped as the infection spread and those who were unaffected fled the cities to find protection.

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