Chapter one

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"I will find you."  -Wanda Maximoff to Rachel Roth (I made it up cause I wanted to and it'll make sense later)

Rachel pov

"Give that back!"

"You weren't using it!"

"I was going to!"

"Yeah maybe, but you weren't using it when I took it!"

"Ughh! Dick! Tell Jason to give me it back!"

"Can't you guys share?" Dawn interpreted before Dick could speak.

"But I had-"

"Guys! It's just ketchup!" Kory said annoyed.

We were having dinner at the diner table, the thirteen of us. Dick, Hank, Dawn, Kory, Jason, Rose, Tim, Conor, Crypto, Donna, Jinx, Gar, and me, Rachel. We sit in the Titans base around the dinner table. I had just been about to put ketchup on my plate when Jason had stolen it the second I was about to take it. But Kory is right, it is just ketchup.

Crypto is Conor's dog and is always running alums trying to mooch food off us at dinner time.

Kory is kind of like an older sister to me. She's the prettiest one out of all of us, not trying to be biassed, just the facts. This of course means she can seduce men to get what she wants on a mission, which of course she has done multiple times.

"I sware you to see like brother and sister." Rose pointed out, meaning me and Jason.

"No we're not!" Me and Jason say in unison and give each other a dirty look.

"Denial! That's the first sign!" Gar shouted and pointed with his finger at us.

"Get your-" I grabbed his hand and shoved it away. This made Gar stick his tongue out at me, which I did the same in return.

Gar and me are best friends. I trust him with my life, and he trusts me with his. The team I know ships us and has told us multiple times that we should just get together already, but I don't think it's like that for me and him...or maybe I just don't want it to be. Gar is a year younger than me, but that doesn't matter to me or anyone else.

I sat in between Gar and Jason. Rose sat beside Jason, and beside her was Hank. Hank sat on the end of the table, while Dick sat on the other end. Beside Hank was Dawn, and then Donna. Beside Donna was Conor and then Tim and Dick. Beside Dick on one side was Kory, then Jinx, and then Gar.

Dick is like a dad to me in a way. Dick is the leader of the Titans, and he's NightWing, and the old Robbin. Hank and Dick are always arguing, but I think that's only because Hank is threatened by Dick, since Dawn and Dick used to date and still have a very close relationship. But honestly, if it weren't for Dick, the Titans probably wouldn't even be the Titans. Dick is like the glue that holds us together, kind of like Captain America is a way.

Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers. Steve is the team leader for the Avengers, although some people like to argue that it's Iorn man. Guess that's part of why the whole Iorn man v.s Caption America thing happened. Steve Rogers is a good guy and at the end of the day, I do believe he is the rightful leader.

I was an Avenger once, along with my siblings; Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Loren and Andie Strucker, and Nina Lehnsherr. Why do we all have different last names? And do the Titans know about this? No the Titans do not know, and we have different last names for different reasons. I changed my last name, and Wanda and Pietro have the last name of their stepfather rather than their real one. Lorna got married so she changed it, and Loren and's complicated for them. Nina and Pietro are both dead, unfortunately. Nina died because someone shot her with an arrow when she was only six and I was three. Pietro died due to Ultron when he was sixteen and I was ten. Wanda and Pietro are twins of course. The oldest of us is Lorna, as she would be twenty-four. Wanda is twenty-one, then Lauren is seventeen, and Andie is sixteen. I'm fifteen and if Nina were still alive she'd be twelve.

Why did I leave the Avengers? It's...complicated. It wasn't like I wanted to leave them, I was more forced to leave.

We now shared small conversations at the table as we ate. We ate baked potatoes and beans, and corn and steak.

Today had been a busy day. Tomorrow, even busier. Today we had stopped some robbers in a bank, which you would think that the police could do that, but no of course we have to help out. Don't get me wrong, I love to help people...I just think that the cops could be doing more than they are.

Tomorrow, we have a full day of training. Normally we would take only a few hours to train, but Dick thinks we should be training more.

There are five kids on the team including me; Gar, Rose, Jason, Tim and me. Jason is the oldest as he is nineteen, so I guess technically he's not a kid, but in everyone else's eyes, he is still a kid. Rose is the next oldest as she is seventeen. Rose and Jason are dating and you would think it would be illegal, but she is turning eighteen in a few months and the relationship is very healthy and they are in love sooo..there's not to much of a problem there. Me and Tim are the next oldest as we're both fifteen, and then there Gar who is fourteen.

The other members of the team take turns training us and being our mentors.

After dinner we all sit in the living room and watch a movie together. I wanted Horror, but the other people who wanted that were Rose and Jason. Gar and Donna and Dawn wanted something with animals, while Hank and Tim and Gar wanted something about cars. Everyone else didn't really care what we watched. Eventually we settled on one of the scream movies.

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