Chapter four

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"I love you, never forget that." Wanda Maximoff to Rachel Roth

Rachel pov

I stand and start to head towards my room. Behind me I hear Jason, Tim, Rose and Gar calling me back with worry in their voice's, but I ignore them.

I get into my room and close the door. I go to a drawer in my room and open it. Inside is a whole drawer full of white wax candles, some of which have already been used once or twice. I grab a three and set them up in the middle of my room on the purple rug where there is lots of room.

My room is dark and big. There is a queen sized bed with black sheets and pillows. There is a dark blue nightstand beside my bed with a lamp and three drawers, plus an alarm clock and a bottle of water on it. In front of my bed is a dark purple chest full of many different things. There is a window at the very end of my room across from my door, and beside that is a black desk and a black desk chair. Directly across the room from my bed is my dresser and closet. My walls are dark purple with a bunch of crosses on them and with a bouquet of flowers hanging from the ceiling. The flour is brown tile with two dark purple rugs.

I go back to the drawer a few times and set up the candles in a circle. Once the candles have all been set up I grab a lighter from the lowest drawer in my blue nightstand where the candles also were. I light up each and every candle and then put the lighter back. I grab a hair tie from my middle nightstand drawer and tie my dark blue and purple hair in a low bun. I sit down cross legged directly in the center of the candle circle and put my hands in my lap. I close my eyes and take a big deep breath in and out, and then back in again. I do this with my breathing for a few moments as I sit in the dark silence.

My thoughts are focused on one name only: Wanda Django Maximoff. The Scarlet Witch.

I say the name over and over again, and eventually I add a mental image of a face to the name. I think of what she looks like. Every small little feature to her, all the way from her straight brown hair to her small nose and brown eyes. From her height to her weight and her skin even. Every small detail is important for this.

I keep repeating her name over and over again in my head and thinking of every detail of her.

Soon, I start saying her name out loud;
"Wanda Django Maximoff. Wanda Django Maximoff. Wanda Django Maximoff." I say her name so manny times out loud, each one louder than the last.

Eventually, I feel a spark of connection. I feel her. I feel her spirit, her presence. Like she was in the very room with me, but I know she's not.

"Wanda Django Maximoff, can you hear me? Wanda Maximoff can you hear me? Wanda it's Rachel, can you hear me?"

Nothing. No response.

"Wanda it's Rachel, your sister. I got your message...somewhat...but I need you to answer me. Can you hear me?"

Still nothing.

"Wanda who is Thanos? What did you mean when you said for me to tell the Titans? Tell them about what? What do I need to tell them?"

That's when I felt it. Her presence was fading.

"Wanda please! If you can hear me I need you to answer me! Please hear me! I don't know what your message meant! I couldn't understand you very well before! Who is Thanos!? Are you okay!? Are you hurt!? What's wrong!?"

Soon, her presence was gone. The connection was gone.

"Wanda! Wanda!!! Wanda please!!" I screamed out her name over and over again, but the connection was gone. The lights from the candle had been burned out, leaving the room darker than ever.

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