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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

Thank you for reading 💛

Junabee Kanroji: Your mother
Kyojuro Kanroji: Your father
Andrew: younger brother
Amai: younger sister
Max: younger brother
Kaya: younger sister
Emmi: younger sister

• Mitsuri canonically has 5 other siblings- so I just gave em all random names. And I gave your parents names too cause 🤷‍♀️

-1299 words

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"Sweetheart, let me take care of those,"

Junabee tried taking the piles of bowls from her oldest child, but her hands never reached the dirtied dishware due to the nervous girl turning away and shaking her head.

"No, no! Let me! It'll help get my mind off of-" Y/n glanced at the digital clock, only catching glimpses as her younger siblings zoomed past- but as soon as her eyes caught the time she gasped and rushed the dozens of bowls to the sink.

Seeing her daughter's panic the mother laughed, making her way over to the now filled sink as the high schooler scrambled away to get to her room quickly.

"Eek! Max!-" Junabee turned her head,, hearing the shrieks and slams in the hallway and walked over to assess any damage that may have happened. She wasn't very surprised.

Y/n tripped over her younger brother whom had fell asleep on the floor again- thankfully the young boy did not wake but it didn't ease the guilt his big sister felt. Junabee sighed in relief seeing the sleeping boy unharmed and placed a hand over her chest, "He's fine sweetheart, just hurry and get ready."

"Are you sure- oh gosh, I feel awful!" Y/n rambled as she entered her room, slamming the door behind her in her rush.

The slam awoke the trampled over boy on the floor. He sat up, his head of dark hair was frazzled and his eyes looked around wide with fear, "W-what happen?" He jumbled, clutching his favorite blue blanket in a tight grasp.

"Awake after that but not after getting shaved bald by your sisters..." Junabee frowned at her dark eyed boy, shaking her head as she recalled the memory.


Y/n pulled the straps of her backpack over her shoulder, leaning in as her mother did. The girl smiled warmly as her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek,

"You're sure you want to walk, your father and I wouldn't mind driving you." Junabee offered, running a hand over her daughter's long braids and playing with the ends between her fingers.

Behind Junabee was Kyojuro, Y/n's father. His hands held onto her mother's shoulders in a gentle grip, "But if you don't we completely understand, whichever would make this easier for you."

"I'd rather walk- maybe I'll meet another on the way there and yknow-" Y/n buzzes with excitement at the thought. Meeting another person and becoming friends just like that was a amazing thought! But for it to happen was harder than it sounds..

"Anddd you're gonna be late."

A voice spoke up from behind.

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