4- Abbie, then a ending of jealousy

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

Short, a teensy weensy bit boring.

Thank you for reading 💛

-1107 words

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"Hey! Excuse me, heyyyy!"

The boy paused, pausing his walk down the hall. He turned around, using his wrist to wipe away his transparent tears.

His cheeks began flushing, with the size of her..chest assets, and the running, was not a good combo. "Uh- I, uhm..hello, you don't need to run.." he whispered the last part.

"Hello, my name is Y/n," she re introduced herself, giving a half of a bow. Then standing properly once more, she gave a friendly smile that made the dark haired boy blink, her personality and smile were so bright, he had to try and not squint in blindness.

"I came to apologize for those two back there, I'm sorry I didn't try stopping them more effectively. I hope you aren't too harmed by what they've done." Y/n spoke in genuine sincerity, making the shy boy go wide eyed. "Oh, t-thank you. I appreciate it,"

Y/n nodded, shutting her eyes and opening them back up, "You're very welcome! May I have your name?" She asked, offering out a hand. The boy looked down at the extended hand, then nervously shook it, "I'm Abigail- b-but please, call me Abbie."

Abbie seemed like a sweet, shy boy. Abbie's hair was styled cutely, some framing his face. The dark hair reached his shoulders and seemed the slightest bit spikish like a lot of the others. Abbie wore a dark shoulder less top over a white short-sleeved undershirt and a black tie. He seems snazzy!, Y/n thought with a warmer smile. He even looked snazzy in those white shorts, to her, cute.

After sharing a handshake, both released eachothers hands, though Y/n now caught Abbie's red cheeks. Her brows rose, "Are you feeling well? You seem very red, I could walk you to the infirmary if you'd like!-" her expression fell slightly, "Uh, once I get directions, of course!"

Abbie shook his head vigorously, his dark hair wildly flew about as he did. The shy boy managed to make himself seem incredibly adorable to the enthusiastic girl. "I-I don't need to go to the infirmary, but I should get going for break.." Abbie trailed off, holding his upper arms.

"Agreed, I met some others before, maybe they'd allow us both to-"

"Is that Y/n?"

"Yeah, I recognize her by the hair!" Two voices spoke from behind the mentioned girl, one feminine while the other masculine.

While the girl in braids turned around, Abbie just looked at the trio. He recognized them, while Y/n only knew Claire, Bubble and the tall boy Claire had labeled her best friend. "Hey, it's break! I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with us?" Claire offered, thrusting a thumb towards her other two friends.

The offer made Y/n ecstatic and she was quick to nod in acceptance, "Yes! I'd love to! Thank you for the invitation!" She chirped. Her arm went towards Abbie's, she looped her own with his and brought him to her side causing him to tense.

"And this is Abbie- you may already know him! I was wondering if it'd be all right for him to join?"

The three looked at the tall boy besides her, who's shoulders shrugged up at all the eyes on him.

"Oh, sure!" Claire nodded, while Buble spoke up in curiosity and peeked from behind the short haired female, "Where's Lana, Abbie?" Y/n internally squaled, hearing a squeak from the rubber duck atop the bubble-heads, head.

"Oh," Abbie mumbled. His mind was still going fuzzy at how the sweet, and incredibly attractive girl at his side was so kind. Y/n, for some reason in some aspects reminded him of Lana, a friend-crush of his. Both are enthusiastic, welcoming..not to mention, incredibly beautiful.

"S-she's absent today, after the prank O-Oliver did yesterday she felt too sad to come today.."

Claire, once hearing the explanation, sneered at the mention of Oliver. "He's such an ass for what he did- but whatever. I hope she's feels okay tomorrow, but for now you can hang with us."

Bubble nodded, "Yeah! Ready to head to the library?" She asked, looking around at the others. There were words of agreement, and nodding. With that, Y/n unlinked her arm from Abbie's, and gave him a smile.

He looked away, making her sweatdrop.

Did I do something wrong?, She wondered, beginning to follow as Claire and the others went for the library.



Claire and Y/n, along the way had linked arms together. It surprised Claire, that she so quickly felt comfortable enough to do something with someone she'd just met in the morning- but the the new girl was just so welcoming.

From behind, a boy with two colorful feathers atop of his head watched with furrowed brows and a small frown. He felt jealous, but mentioned nothing.

He looked over to his right, at Bubble who was having a one sided conversation with Abbie. The quiet boy was between Bubble and himself, and once the blue eyed girl noticed her friend looking she gave an invisible grin, "Engel, do you remember Miss Circle mentioning the test this friday?"

Engel sighed, looking at the floor of the halls as he continued his steps, "Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous having a test two Fridays in a row. This just means there's going to be lots of note taking."

Abbie, in the middle of the two gulped, and if manageable would've gone paler. He merely looked ahead in despair as he thought of the scary math teacher and her awful class.

Loud giggles came from ahead, both Claire and Y/n covered their mouths with their hands as they desperately tried to quiet themselves.

"Ah!" Y/n breathlessly exclaimed, putting a hand on her chest, "and I thought I was the only one who enjoyed those eel mukbang videos-" The two girls halted at two twin brown doors, looking at eachother with big smiles.

"Those are hilarious, the way they get scared of the eel and screech is hilarious-"

The two giggled some more- attention grabbed as Engel cleared his throat behind them. Both looked at the tall male, seeing him motion at the doors, "Oh- yeah, let's go in now." Claire said as she unhooked her arm from Y/ns. Seeing the twinge of disappointment on the girls face, Engel brows furrowed.

Finally, that jealousy had begun to dissipate.

Though, the boy did most definitely feel a tad ridiculous for feeling that way- he just couldn't help but wish that was his arm that was linked with Claire's.

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Oh my! It seems we have a jealous Mr in our midst!

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