2- Cute muse

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

Bleh, I cannot believe I messed up about Miss Circle's compass tool arm last chapter, ick 😭

Thank you for reading 💛

-1011 words

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"Oh my gosh!" Y/n actually had a dropped jaw, seeing the incredibly complicated equation displayed above, on the chalkboard written in white, almost neat handwriting.


And the equation was..scary.

The senior student was never good at math- more skilled in art and maybe P.E...math was definitely not on the list for this poor girl who has math as first class of the day.

"Enough staring and sit somewhere, you both are wasting time." As soon as Miss Circle said, sneering at both Claire and Y/n, Claire went wide-eyed and grabbed Y/n's hand. She quickly brought her over to her friend group without another second to waste.

Claire filled in a seat, Y/n took the empty chair besides that at the left.

"This is our new student. Her name is Y/n Kanroji," All eyes looked at said girl, making shoulders slump in. But not to seem so disinterested in sociable interaction she smiled and waved.

"Now, continuing the lesson." Miss Circle turned back around to the black board, in her claw hand a single white piece of chalk. Her long, spiky hair swayed as she turned and Y/n sighed on relief. As attractive this teacher was, she was quite intimidating.

Taking a glance over, the student sitting near Y/n had what seemed to be hair made of of bubbles, or white, soft looking fluff. What made this nameless student adorable to Y/n- was the adorable little yellow duck on top of their bubbly head, accompanying it a blue handled toothbrush.

Hearing a silent squeal, the student blinked, turning their head to the noise.

Instead of paying attention- Y/n sat with a happy smile, beneath the desk little taps could be heard. What the student noticed was what the new girl was doodling.

It was her! This new student was doodling her, and it looked very adorable. The hair, eyes, the ducky and even the toothbrush managed to look cute in the pink haired girls style!

"Psst, hey!"

"Huh?" Y/n looked up, seeing the muse of her little doodle looking at her with happy eyes. What one could assume was a happy look anyways, "I like your drawing! Is that of me?" The girl whispered. Y/n's cheeks flared up at that one, and she leaned away from the desk a bit, with a embarrassed frown on her face,

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have drawn you without your permission but-"

"No, it's fine!" The person quickly reassured, waving a hand subtly in a dismissive manner. "Only if I get the drawing after your done." She responded cheekily, and if this person possessed a head and maybe the facial features with it she'd probably be smiling.

Y/n's frown turned upside down, happy that, whom she labeled as a new acquaintance, wasn't upset with her. "Yes! Of course!"

At the front of the room someone cleared their throat. Y/n and the bubble haired person looked, nearly beginning to shake as they noticed Miss Circle with her hand on her hip and squinting at them.

"Until I tell you it's time for group work keep your mouths shut. Learn this now so you won't come crying to me about not understanding this." She scolded in a hiss, the pencil part of her compass arm came up, pointing at the chalkboard and tapping harshly.

"U-Understood!" The bubble haired girl stuttered out,

"Sorry Miss.." Y/n addded sheepishly, blushing with embarrassment as she heard yet another bit of laughter come from the group of three. She tuned them out, they reminded her too much of previous people she'd rather not think of.

Miss Circle let out a huff of air before continuing her lecture, and once her back was turned to the students Y/ns cute muse whispered to her once again more carefully,

"My names Bubble! Nice to meet you Y/n!"

"Its nice to meet you Bubble," Y/n held out her finished drawing, smiling as she noticed Bubble blue, starry eyes brighten seeing the finished product. "And here's that drawing you asked for!"

And at Y/n's right, Claire smiled albeit a small one. Despite just meeting this girl, she did see her as a friend- and why not be her friend? Claire wondered, seeing your smile.

She seems very kind-hearted and sweet to boot. Claire concluded, deciding to try and pay attnetion to Miss Circle's lecture as you had.


Once the class ended, Y/n shuffled through the crowd of exiting student just to keep up with Bubble and Claire. Another with their tall friend- but she has yet to be acquainted with him.

Claire extended a hand out to Y/n once she, and the rest of the little group were standing in the halls. "Let me see your schedule, then we can see where to take you next-"

"No need."

Everyone turned around, gulping as they saw Miss Circle towering over them. She leaned against the lockers, and was taller than them, Y/n noticed.

This woman keeps getting hotter.

But she's scary at the same time..

"As the teacher it's my responsibility to show Y/n to her next class. So, get to class." Claire and Bubble both had sad looks, bidding Y/n a farewell while Engel offered a polite smile and wave before departing with the two girls.

"This way, you have history next with Miss Emily."

Y/n's expression remained bright, her lips parting with her bright smile. It made Miss Circle sweatdrop, cause never had she seen a student so excited on their first day. Especially at a new school.

Brushing it off, her long legs began taking her down the hall, "Come on now. Can't be late." She smiled in some amusement, hearing a squealed out "Ah!" Followed by some panicked, rushed steps to catch up.

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Ts is plain- but I had the chance to publish a chapter and just took it.

I don't have my own internet so like- the chances to updates books cannot be wasted 😭

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