5- A shove

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

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-1524 words

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Bullies were always a problem, sadly one that Y/n apparently would never be able to escape even if she switched schools. The bullies she met didn't target her- but befriended her.

Despite it being the first day the poor girl was already picked as their next victim- by a bully, that is.

Break ended a few minutes ago and the halls were scarily empty despite that, apparently languages class was only down the hall from the door her new friend group entered the library through. Claire pointed it out, after finally introducing her to the tall boy, Engel.

Though for reasons the girl in braids had no clue about- Engel was reluctant to shake her hand. But oh well, that was in the past now and she only hoped Engel would come around sometime.

Before Y/n could make it to that class however, the bully- from behind, put a hand on her shoulder and halted her before she neared the classroom door.

"Hm?" She turned her head, looking at the stranger whom halted her in the halls.

"Oh, hello! Do you need something?" The bully shook their head, using the hand on the girl shoulder to turn her around. Now that Y/n faced them, they spoke, "No, but thanks for being so polite. I couldn't help but overhear you and your friends in library, they told you languages class with Miss Thavel is that door over there," the nameless bully pointed at a blue door further down the hallway.

Y/n looked in that direction, smiling then nodding, "Yes! I do have that class next." The bully nodded happily, removing their hand from the girls shoulder. Their fingers brushed against a thick braid, immediately they felt disgust at the contact and shook their hand much to Y/n's confusion.

It was just the two standing in the halls, which made the new student feel uneasy. "I'm sorry, but I must be-"

"They gave you the wrong directions." The bully quickly spoke, sensing they would lose her if they didn't.



"Oh, but are you sure we should be coming this way? These signs say-"

"Yes, I'm sure." The bully hissed, continuing towards the darker areas in the hallway. Y/n shut up with that snap, it was clear by the slight twinge of venom in their words they weren't very patient.

Different signs were taped on the white walls, there were no lockers and in their places were those signs along with some scribbled words warning: Alice are here

The grammatical error made Y/n snort, and cover her face with a hand. More unease settled on the girls stomach, seeing strange symbols also sketched apon the walls, but the bully kept going.

Arriving at a door, the bully halted and grinned maliciously while Y/n stood nervously at their side. Yet another sign was taped somewhere in this unfortunate students vision, mentioning the name Alice once again. Apparently, this door was to their room?

"This says this is someone's room?-" y/n questioned, reaching over and slipping her fingers under the slip of paper and lifting it up to look at more easily.

The bully snorted, grabbing ahold of the silver knob on the door and twisting, "Don't care," they remarked, catching the pinkette off guard by both tone and sudden snatching of her wrist. "Hey!" She exclaimed, "What are y-"

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