3- Pinkie Pie from my little pony

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I realized I might tend to accidentally go from writing in a 'Y/n' to a 'you' way of writing and I feel irritated by that- so I'm sorry if you see that somewhere in my writing.

- 1756 words (to make up for the lack of update, but pls lmk if you prefer long chapters or not)!!! ^^

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After Miss Circle led the new girl to the history class, she departed, and received a thankful farewell from Y/n.

The girl stepped into the room, chattering filled her ears from the students filling in the desks of the classroom. "Ah, you must be the new student!" A voice spoke up.

Y/n's eyes looked in the direction the voice came from, in the front left corner of the room. At the desk sat a black woman, obviously the teacher, waving to the girl for her to come over.

She seemed kind, her fluffy black hair was in two pigtails on the left and right side of her hair held by gray hairbands. On top of her head was a pair of horns, which made y/n wonder if those were common for people to posses. The sitting teacher wore a white plain top with two buttons, and at her hips reaching past her knees was a black skirt with some white polka dots. Her dark, claw like hands reminded her of.the math teachers.

With a hum, Y/n walked over over the desk eyes immediately landing on the large yellow binder on the history teachers desk. It was big.

"Its nice to meet you, I'm Miss emily," the teacher motioned to the chalkboard with a yellow ruler, and there her name was written in cursive, white chalk handwriting. Along with the message, 'All students are stupid XD'

Oh..but is that really something hardworking students should be seeing everyday when they come in to class?, Y/n wondered, lips falling into a frown. She felt disappointed, that such a nice looking teacher would have such a thing like that written for all students to see.

Her attention went back on the pigtailed woman as she began speaking again, "And I'll be your history teacher for the year. I look forward to having such a bright student in my class." She held up a yellow folder, "Bright, according to the notes left by your previous teachers."

Y/n chuckled nervously, her fingers fiddling with eahcither as she responded, "T-They wrote that? How kind!" While she tried appreciating the kind words left, it was hard to. For the fact those very teachers allowed her to be bullied horribly every day.

Miss Emily noticed the lack of genuine appreciation, and decided to move on with a hum while tossing the yellow folder into a drawer. "Anyways," she said, a hand on her desk at a book. "This book here will be required for this class, at break you will have to go fetch one from the library. For now you'll share with whoever you sit next to."

As Y/n went to ask the woman in which desk she should seat herself, she was already answered, "There is no seating chart. Just sit where ever- or where there's a open seat."

A empty desk was spotted, Y/n's e/c eyes landed on it and then decided that would be her seat. But as she turned to walk in its direction a paper ball came flying at her. She gasped, putting her hand up to block it, and succeeded.

But another came immediately after and hit her on the nose once she lowered her hand.

"You! Pretty new girl! Come sit with us!"


"So, what's your name sweetcheeks?" The pale girl asked curiously, a paper ball tossed up and down in her hand.

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