☆ Thanks for being a dick (filler) ☆

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

Haven't been in the most writing mood, my middle finger swelled up and apparently I had a teeny infection so I wasn't exactly in the mood to write :(
And I applied for a job, and did so much to do so and did not even get the job so I have been bummed out. Sorry for not publishing smth sooner!

Remember, this is more of a filler!

Thank you for reading 💛

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"Wait, so you had homework over summer break?.." Y/n asked, pointing at the muted blue folder in Claire's hands.

Engel sighed, plopping his own paper filled folder on the desk, "Yeah, im sure you won't have to worry about it though since you're new."

"..but why did you have homework over break??"

The table went silent, the girl in braids looked at Claire and Engel who were looking at eachother nervously. She turned her head to look at Bubble, who gave unamused half lidded eyes in Claire's direction.

"I mightve..socked Oliver across the face with a dictionary.." Claire lowly admitted, fingers tapping against the flimsy folder before placing it down. "And Miss Circle saw it..and me handing the dictionary to Claire a few seconds before.." Engel added, sheepishly chuckling as Y/n's eyes widened.

"Even a few tests, I think that was just Miss Circle being spiteful or something." Bubble butted in, rolling her blue eyes. At the mention of her name, Miss Circle suddenly appeared by the groups table, startling at the group of young adults and making them jolt in their seats.

She grinned, finding their reaction to her spook amusing. The math teacher bent down down bit, looking at the three different folders on the desk. "Good, I'll trust those notes are in here as well." She said, swiping them off the students' desks.

Returning to her desk, Miss Circle went for Claire's folder first, making said girl nervous enough to look away. Y/n noticed a feeling of unsettlement from her friends, and decided to pop a question to end the silence, "Bubble, why did you have work too if it was those two who were involved?"

"Because I told Oliver he looked like a used tampon afterwards. He really did, his nose bled a lot and plus his hair's white and long- pfft," Bubble started giggling as the memory flooded into her mind clear as day.

"I'm also curious, how do you get suspended before the school year starts?"

Claire crossed her arms on the desk where her folder previously sat, "You mean the Oliver thing? He's here during summer school "helping out", along with Lana. He cut up a few of her sock puppets and Miss Grace caught him." Y/n frowned. She wondered, what drives one to act so cruel towards someone else?

Based on what Abbie said, this Lana girl sounds like a total sweetheart! And that Oliver...just a jerk. Or more specific- a asshole, in Claire's words.

"All right, shut up. We're starting a bit earlier because this subject is a bit tougher to understand." Miss Circle ordered, making her way to the front of the class with a piece of what chalk in hand.

"Try very hardly to understand, it might cost you later if you dont.." the tall teacher added, narrowing her eyes towards Claire who nearly shrunk at the sudden look cast her way.


P1. Math- Ms. Circle
P2. History- Ms. Emily
P3- *break*
P4. Languages- Ms. Thavel
P5. Science- Ms. Bloomie
P6. *Flex period* Art- Ms. Sasha

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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