6- End of the day

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The last thing Y/n needed was to be in the class of a woman like Miss thavel, that is what the principal, Miss Grace, figured anyways.

The two sat in the office Y/n came to at the beginning of the day, silently. The girls backpack was never returned because of earlier's confrontation, and now she sat sadly on a wooden bench by the entrance of that office.

She can't just sit here all depressed, it's her first day, after all., Miss Grace thought. Looking at the computer before her on the desk, she caught the grades she had before the summer break began, at her previous school.

Art, the information said. Y/n excels at art. Miss Grace went with that, and not P.E which this poor new student also did amazing at.

"Y/n, are you tolerable with children?" The principal asked, glancing through her glasses. Hearing her name called, Y/n looked up somewhat in a gloomy expression. A sad smile found its way on her glossed lips, "Yes. I am, I adore them."

(•Hc that Mitsuri loves kids.
• and wanted 3)

"All right. How about skipping the rest of your assigned classes of the day, I'll take you to art class. The teacher, Miss Sasha, also teacher kindergarten children," Miss Grace pushed herself up out of the swivel chair she was seated in, walking around the desk and over to the bench. Her long, white ponytail swayed as she walked over, as did her hips which Y/n had to look away from.

"Which explains my previous question. I've seen that you did well in art, and seem to like it based off side notes on your performance?" She finished with a question.

"Ah, well then. I'd love that! I could use the distraction," Y/n chirped. The thought Miss Grace had was very kind, "and yes! I love art, it's my favorite!" The girl in braids confirmed with a gleaming smile, now standing readily before the principal.

"Very well then," Miss Grace held a hand towards the door, the exit and entrance to the office, "Let's head there now."


"Ah, so she's the new student I was supposed to have for flex period?" Flex period would be in two periods, last of the day. Which is what Miss Sasha was asking, seeking one more form of clarification from her employer.

Miss Grace nodded, "Yes. Keep her for the rest of the day, she could use the break." The kindergarten teacher nodded. The women looked over, seeing Y/n in a much more chipper mood, smiling fondly as a group of children surrounded her curiously. Their small hands held her own, or played with her duo colored braids in admiration.

It was truly a sweet sight, which made the beret wearing teacher smile, "She seems like a kind girl, I don't mind having her here."

"Good, I'll leave you to it then." With that, green suited woman turned and took her departure from the class filled with loud children.

"Miss Sasha, Miss Sasha!" One of the many kids ran over, a little girl named Greta with short curled white hair and two little horns along with floppy ears, on her cheeks, swirl lines. She wore a cute black dress, and a fluffy white tail. Miss Sasha looked down at little Greta, the pages of the book on her face fluttering to the right.

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