Chapter 9:

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I wake up with a massive migraine but I notice I'm not in the guest room I was assigned when we arrived. I place a hand over my mouth feeling sickly.

    "Good morning." Jason sits on the edge of the bed and I suddenly get flashbacks from last night. I sit up slowly in thought, remembering how wasted I was. My memory is spotty but I do remember running into some of Sekiros men. "How you feeling?"

    "I.." I stop myself shutting my eyes in pain as my head throbs. He caresses my cheek and so I look up at him, his smile catching me off guard. "I don't wanna drink ever again." I reply with a bit of laughter and he chuckles in response.

    "You know, you drank the one drink we warned you not to."

     "I did?" He nods. "Why didn't you stop me?"

    "You were enjoying yourself, I didn't want to stand in the way of your happiness." I go to speak but I feel even more sickly than before. I cover my mouth, getting up and rushing to the bathroom, sitting down infront of the toilet as I begin to throw up. Jason comes over as I'm doing so, holding my hair up. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes feeling exhausted and move back a bit and he lets go. I open them and look down at myself to see I'm wearing one of his shirts which is quite large on me. My cheeks get hotter as I try thinking back.. Did we do something? "Ana.. Sekiro came to the party.. That's why I got you out of there. I'm not sure if you remember that."

     "There was fire.. A circle." He nods an suddenly a beep is heard and an intercom begins speaking.

-"Jason youre wanted in the throne room. Jason you're wanted in the throne room."- He sighs, helping me up.

    "I'm sure it's regarding those guys I burned." I follow him into the room. "Stay here and rest while you can. I'll be back once I deal with this-"

    "Wait!" I grab his hand while I can and he freezes, looking back at me. "Did.. Did something happen?" He looks at me in confusion. "With us?" He looks at me with a smile and shakes his head.

    "Did you want something to happen?" His eyes flicker red as he leans in close to me, placing a hand on my back.

    "Don't do that." I push him back flustered and unable to answer him. He chuckles.

    "Nothing happened, you were just being stubborn and didn't want to sleep so I brought you here to keep an eye on you." He lets me go. "I'll be back, okay?"

    "Whatever." I mumble moving back toward the bed and he exits. I glance around the room. "This is his room.." I whisper to myself moving toward his vanity. I'm a bit curious.. What would Jason keep in his room..
I open one of the drawers, seeing a bunch of miscellaneous items. I rummage through them until I see a picture faced down. The writing on the back saying Jason and.. "Roan?" I flip it over seeing a girl about my age laughing beside Jason, his hands wrapped around her like he does mine..
seeing it leaves me a bit confused but then suddenly I get a flash of a memory from when I was with Sekiro..

"No one helped her either." I place a hand on my head, wincing in pain.

"No ones coming to save you."

I shake my head.
"Mother! Father!" I freeze, the memory of my parents being swallowed by flames hitting me harder than normal.
I shut the drawer, the picture inside with it as someone knocks on the door. I move over to it, opening it a crack, squinting at the light from the hallway to see Chloe standing infront of me.

"The hell?" She says when she sees me. "Why are you here?" I have a headache already so shutting the door just happens to be a reflex when I see her standing there and I walk back toward Jason's bed.
A few minutes go by before I end up deciding to take a bath in his bathroom. However when I'm soaking in bubbles I can't help but realize I don't have a change of clothes..

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