Chapter 11:

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    It was a strange feeling.. I heard one beat.. Then two.. Then four. Then Two. Then 5, then Two. Then one again.
It repeated that cycle maybe 10 times.. Then it changed again.
It was four, then three, then Two, then four.
The third set was different as well.
It went ten, then 20 then 10, then four? Or was it three?  It was too fast.. something felt wrong.
The last cycle was the scariest. I could feel myself fading with every beat. But it was different this time too.
I was in the flames.. Scorching, Smokey flames. It was the night of my parents death.. The night of the fire. I was reliving it but as myself now. Not who I was back then. The beats could still be heard as I watched my younger self cling to what life I had left.
It was 10, then 9, then 8..
she screamed.. hoping her parents were okay.
Then 7, then 6.. She saw them.. Their bodies.. burning.
Then 5.. then 4.. and three. She heard him..
I heard him. He called out to us.
"You're not dying yet.. I won't let you."
Then 2..
Everything went black.. A force field of air just taken.. But not just mine.. was it his too?
I couldn't figure it out..

Then one.

Opening my eyes this time felt different. I wasn't supposed to be here.. I shouldn't have even woken up but here I am.. Laying within the infirmary with an IV plugged into my left arm and the sound of several beeps going off around me. I'm tired still...
I definitely don't get it..

"Jason? Can you hear me?" That voice.. I don't recognize it. "I'm Doctor Maxis.. Do you know where you are?"

"Hell." I whisper with what little breath I have to spare.

"Even in your waking moments you're still a smart ass." I look to my left to see Ash sitting in one of the chairs. Next to him sits my Auntie.

"Do you know what the hell you did?!" She raises her voice as Doctor Maxis flashes a flashlight left and right and I squint. "Why would you do something so reckless?"

"He's going to be a little groggy still madame, maybe it's best to wait to lecture him." Maxis replies as I comprehend what she just said.

"What?" I whisper only for it to hit me at once. "Wait.. Where is she?" I go to sit up but Ash moves to my side immediately pushing me back to laying down. "Ana? I have to see her-"

"There's no rush Jay. She isn't awake yet." I look over at Auntie not believing him and she sighs and nods.

"He's right. You woke up first it seems."

"But is she-"

"She's alright." Maxis replies handing me a paper. "Her blood tests signify she's still in transition. She should be waking up soon." I analyze the paper and he's right.. "As for you, you'll be fine as well. You're all healed up. I'm not sure why you didn't wake up sooner but I can only assume it's from the pressure you took when taking her soul and sending it back."

"Which you weren't qualified to do in the first place." Auntie stands moving to my side. "You should be dead after that stunt. Thankfully you're not but still. You had everyone worried." I remain silent and look to Ash who knows what I'm going to ask already.

"She's imprisoned in the dungeon. She's awaiting questioning." I shut my eyes and look away. "Leave Roan to us.. You focus on Ana. She needs you more than anyone else."

"I know.. I just don't understand any of it." I whisper. "She should've.. Died."

When I open my eyes at first everything is a blur and my whole body aches. I wince as the light in the room hurts my eyes as they adjust.

"Ana? Can.." I hear Jason but I can't make out which direction he's coming from as I shut my eyes and bring my hand over my eyes.. Emotions overwhelming me entirely as my hearing tunes back in. "Ana what's wrong?" I freeze finally hearing him on my left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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