Chapter 11

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A/N - Sorry for the reupload, I forgot to add pictures Mihrimah's sword Yağmur (from both sides) at the end of the chapter.

Mihrimah usually loved to be out in the woods, but now she dreaded every second of it. Instead of taking them to a decent place for Sheik Edebali to get a doctor and heal, they were taken to one of the caves around the area.

Having enough of everything, Mihrimah roughly grabbed Konur's arm and stopped the man. ''Where are you taking us? How is the Sheikh supposed to heal in a cave?'' But remembering their previous interaction, Mihrimah let go of his arm and took a step back.

''Just come. You'll be safe here.'' he said and continued to walk. Mihrimah only huffed and followed him. She frowned at him because he had taken her sword, Yağmur, from her.

When they entered the cave, one of the soldiers built a fire. After Akça Derviş and Mihrimah helped Sheikh Edebali to sit down, Konur spoke. ''You stay here. I'll be back soon.''

Mihrimah wasn't easily convinced. ''He's holding the meet soon? The one he invited my emmi to, right? And I suppose that you won't say a word about this with all the Beys present. I wouldn't be surprised if your vizier asked Kosses to ambush us.''

Konur didn't say anything but left.

Time seemed to flow slowly in the cave, Mihrimah was tired of pacing back and forth. Without her sword, she couldn't do much. She didn't want to stir up any trouble either, as the Sheikh was hurt and could be used at leverage.

She now sat beside the Sheikh and tried to be more patient. The silence was broken by Sheikh Edebali. ''My dear Mihrimah. What did commander Konur want at the road?''

For some reason, Mihrimah's heart beated faster at the mention of the commander's name. Her brows furrowed. ''Sheikh Edebali, with all due respect. There is nothing between me and that commander. I hate him.'' she emphasized.

The Sheikh studied her. ''Soon, it will be important for you to listen to your heart and acknowledge the truth of your feelings.''

Mihrimah's confusion deepened at Sheikh Edebali's words, while having conflicting emotions.

Lucky for her, crunches were heard at the direction of the entrance of the cave as someone walked inside, and Mihrimah immediately stood up.

Vizier Alemshah and Konur had arrived with a doctor in tow. Mihrimah had no choice but to walk beside Konur, as she had the best view of how the doctor was treating the Sheikh. She also wanted to keep an eye on the Vizier, who stood and observed too.

''You are badly injured. You have to rest.'' the doctor said and moved aside.

The Vizier squatted down to the Sheikh. ''Dear Sheikh Edebali, do what the doctor said. Stay here until you find shifa*. Besides, we can't know what Kosses is going to do.''

Mihrimah didn't believe him one bit but stayed quiet and crossed her arms when the Vizier continued to speak. ''This place is safe.''

''We can wait, it's not going to hurt us.'' the Sheikh replied.

''Thanks to Allah, commander Konur was going to Konya. You were destined to come across. He helped you out of the ambush.''

''Thanks to him. Thank you. ''

The Vizier nodded. ''We have to send a messenger to Osman Bey. Don't bother yourself with these thoughts. Just have some rest. I will handle it.''


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