Chapter 33

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I figured that I should explain why those past few chapters have been so weird and short. For now, I'm showing Mihrimah's situation at the tribe and the different things that are being thrown at her by Barkin Bey and Selvi Hatun.

These events lead up to a bigger one that will have a big impact on Mihrimah's life, her future, and relationships with the people closest to her and her growing feelings towards Konur.

And also, I don't have any plot to lean against, as I have with the Kurulus Osman series, so it usually takes longer to write the chapters.

At one point there will be longer chapters in the future, once I have laid out all my ideas for this plot.

I might even consider taking another monthly break from this book, as I have been very busy with work lately. But you'll know everything by next week's chapter.

Mihrimah had been restless all day, her thoughts clouded by a strange mix of emotions she couldn't quite place.

Every time she passed by the training grounds or walked through the tribe, her eyes unconsciously searched for Konur. But lately, he seemed more occupied, his attention frequently drawn to someone else - someone Selvi Hatun had cleverly introduced into his orbit.

Over the past few days, Mihrimah had noticed a new Hatun in the tribe. Derya Hatun. She was a woman of beauty and charm. She was always where Konur happened to be, whether he was training, eating, or simply walking through the tribe. And while Konur hadn't seemed particularly interested and turned her down on many occasions, this woman was constantly fighting for his attention, which gnawed at Mihrimah in a way she hadn't expected.

Mihrimah had never considered herself the jealous type, but there was something about this situation that unsettled her. She couldn't shake the image of Konur being charmed by someone else. It seemed irrational, but she knew that emotions had a way of prevailing logic.

As she wandered through the tribe, her mind was full of confusion, and unbeknownst to her, two pairs of eyes were discreetly observing her behavior. Cerkutay and Boran, who had been sparring nearby, had noticed the change in Mihrimah over the past few days. It was a faint change for others, but they had known Mihrimah for years, and they could tell when something was wrong.

Cerkutay wiped the sweat from his brow and nudged Boran and nodded in Mihrimah's direction. "Have you noticed how she's been acting lately?"

Boran followed his gaze and nodded too. "Aye, something's off. She's been more distracted, almost... distant."

Cerkutay narrowed his eyes as he watched Mihrimah walk.. "Do you think it has something to do with Konur Bey? He's been spending a lot of time with that new Hatun lately."

Boran's expression turned serious. "It's possible.''

Cerkutay scratched his head, then a mischievous grin formed on his face. "Do you think she's jealous?"

Boran raised an eyebrow, considering the idea. "Jealousy isn't exactly something I'd associate with Mihrimah, but everyone has a breaking point."

They shared a look before they decided to approach her. Mihrimah had just reached a quieter part of the tribe, away from the prying eyes, when she felt a presence behind her. She turned to see Cerkutay and Boran walking towards her.

"Mihrimah," Cerkutay called out.

She stopped. "Yes?"

Boran took the lead. "We've noticed you've been a bit... different lately. Is something bothering you?"

Mihrimah forced a smile, trying to mask whatever was bothering her. "No, nothing's wrong. Just... a lot on my mind."

Cerkutay crossed his arms. He was not convinced. "You sure? You seem more distracted than usual. And if I didn't know better, I'd say you've been watching Konur Bey and that new Hatun quite closely."

Mihrimah's face flushed with embarrassment. She hadn't realized her actions were so obvious. "It's nothing," she said quickly, dismissing the subject. "I've just been thinking about the tribe, and—"

Boran cut her off gently. "Mihrimah, we're your friends. You don't have to pretend with us. If something's bothering you, it's okay to talk about it."

Mihrimah hesitated. She didn't want to admit that she was jealous, especially not to Cerkutay, who would undoubtedly tease her mercilessly. But the weight of keeping it all inside was becoming too much to bear.

Cerkutay, noticing her hesitation. "You know, jealousy isn't a bad thing," he said with a grin. "It just means you care."

Mihrimah shot him a sharp look. "I'm not jealous."

Boran smirked and exchanged a glance with Cerkutay. "Sure, you're not. But just in case, if you were, it's perfectly natural.''

Mihrimah sighed, realizing they weren't going to drop the subject. "Even if I were... jealous," she admitted slowly, "it's not like it matters. Konur Bey has the right to spend time with whomever he chooses."

Cerkutay's grin widened. "True, but that doesn't mean you have to like it."

Boran nodded in agreement. "We're not saying you should do anything about it. But don't bottle up your feelings, Mihrimah. It'll only make things worse."

Mihrimah looked down at her hands. They were right, of course. She had been trying so hard to suppress her emotions, to act like nothing was wrong, but it was wearing her down. Maybe it was time to be honest with herself.

"I just... didn't expect to feel this way," she confessed quietly. "I've always been focused on my duties, on the tribe. But this... it's different."

Cerkutay smiled that she opened up to them. "It's because you care about him. And there's nothing wrong with that."

Mihrimah glanced up at them, surprised by their understanding. She had expected them to tease her of her feelings, but instead, they were offering her support.

Boran smiled softly. "If you ever want to talk, we're here. And if Konur Bey ever does anything to upset you, well, we'll take care of that too."

Mihrimah couldn't help but laugh at that. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "I appreciate it."

Cerkutay winked at her. "Anytime.''

As they walked back towards the center of the tribe, Mihrimah felt a sense of relief wash over her. She wasn't sure what the future held, but at least she had friends who understood her and who wouldn't judge her.

Word count: 1012

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