Today's best funni moments!

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Welcome back my skittle-squad-memebers! (I need to come up with something better as soon as possible... :/)

I called this chapter that so I can make it a series (every day one part) :,p

So the top three funni moments for today are *drum roll* :

1. My bestie was (once again) twerking at me so I took the opportunity to kick her ass. (We're so cringe, sorry) And literaly two seconds after I did so she was crying of laughter on the floor. And because the both of us have a serious laughing problem, another second later I lied there with her. And the the teacher came in. (Womp womp)

2. There's this boy in our class who is called Finn. (AKA Finnedy-finn-finn-finnedy-finn, crying tomato, coockie or potato) And in the most random moment my head was like: U da Finnedy-Fazbear? *Insert this weird sound he makes in the meme* And for the rest of the lesson I had to imagen Finn in a Freddy Fazbear costme. (He'd be way too small for that fr)

3. My Girlfrien' is in another class so she always comes over during lunch break when we wait until our class gets opened and yesterday she always went away and came back in the scariest ways. One time she suddenly appeared in front of the glass door of the hall and formed the words "Salami" and "Baba-boi" with her lips. At that time another boy from my class was in the hall with me and we were lauging our asses off. And today in flexi (A lesson where we're supposed to do our homework) he looked me dead in the eye and did the same she did yesterday. I died of laughter and no one got it. (I love insider jokes! :,) )

And for the end Imma make the top three insiders just to annoy you all! :3

1. "HENRY you have to remember wat happened here when you were a little boi! Not a monster, no. FIDGETSPINNERS!!"

2. The rap-battle between Liam and Henry about stacy's mom be like: "Liam *inaudible bullshit* LIAM *inaudible again*

3. IT'S A QUEER CASE, OKAY!? -Lestrade to his biggest foe


That's it for today with *Drums* The top three funni moments!!! Make sure not to miss the next episode tommorow!!

Issa :p

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