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Hi! İn my story we are still in january-february so I will continue that way...
hope you like it! Please rate and comment if you can.
I am open to recommendations. Loves xx

Confused and scared, that's what the little girl felt as she looked in the mirror. There was a black dress and ballet flats left on her bed for her to get ready. Her nanny was waiting for her to get her dressed. So then she could comb her hair. Aurora never let anyone touch her hair, but her father. If her mother had been with her, maybe she would also have let her do it. She didn't remember her mother, she only knew her from photographs. Sometimes she would dream of having a mother. But she had a grandmother who was like a mother to her. Anastasia Young. Although the little girl called her Nana because she couldn't spell her name correctly. Nana had told her a week ago that she would visit to spend Christmas with them. Christmas was two days ago, but her grandmother still hadn't come. She kept asking her brothers where Nana was, but she couldn't get an answer. Feeling too sad to cause trouble - because she missed Nana so much - she let the nanny dress her. She was going to comb her hair herself. But the smart-ass nanny said she couldn't do it herself, so she forced her to stand still. Aurora felt like crying, she wanted any of her brothers to take care of her. Normally she was never alone, but today she had hardly seen anyone. the little girl pushed the woman who was trying to tie the ribbon in her hair. Frankly, she didn't like her at all. Her brothers didn't took her seriously, as she was normally jealous of all the women around her brothers and father. But Aurora knew this woman was rude. For someone who loved all the attention, she didn't like being treated like this. She ran to the door and left the room, went down the corridor to the room closest to her. Since Aurora had barged in without knocking, it was inevitable that she would see her brother Arthur shirtless.
Embarrassed by her disrespect, Aurora immediately turned away. She remembered her father's words. He had told her not to enter rooms without knocking, not to run around. She broke two rules at once.
Arthur hurriedly put his shirt on and stepped toward his little sister. Hearing her brother's footsteps, the little girl turned toward him and smiled shyly so that he wouldn't be angry with her.
He couldn't even say no to his baby girl, let alone be angry with her. But she didn't need to know that. The little girl was already aware of the power she had over her brothers and father and didn't hesitate to use it from time to time. Arthur knew that no matter what he did, he could not stop spoiling his baby girl.
He could never say no to these eyes that looked at him with admiration. He kissed his sister on the head and gently picked her up, knowing she wanted attention.

The little girl murmured with satisfaction and buried her face in her brother's neck.
She knew her brother was sad, but she couldn't understand why.
She asked again where Nana was. Her brother was silent for a long time before answering as if he was trying to put it into words. He was rubbing his sister's back, trying to give her his care. Aurora was determined to resist until she got an answer from her brother, even though she started to feel sleepy.
He could only tell the little girl that their grandmother was no longer in the same world with them and was with their mother.
But that didn't make things easier. For a long time, the little girl insisted on going to their world to see her mother and Nana. This went on like this for a while.
Until one day she got used to the absence of Nana as well as her mother.

7.02.( FUTURE)
👉🏻(we will turn back to January in next Chapter.)
(In the previous episode, we were on the 17th of January.)👈🏻
Guilty. He felt guilty. All the time. The night his sister disappeared, he drank and partied with his snobby friends and passed out until the evening of the same day. For a whole day he hadn't even known about her disappearance, he hadn't felt a shit. It was a heavy blow to his self-esteem to realize that while he claimed to love his little sister dearly, in reality, he was just a snob who was too drunk to notice her absence. The night Aurora was kidnapped, she was sick and feverish. Instead of spending that night with his baby girl, Arthur had left her with an uncaring cunt who was her nanny. An uncaring cunt.
'Look in the mirror, Arthur.'

He looked down at the expensive drink as shit he was holding and realized nothing had changed in a decade. He isolated himself from everyone. He had repeatedly broken his promise to never drink again. His mind was his number-one enemy. It made him hate himself, made him wish he could go into a corner and disappear. The same corner where you pass out that night? 
'Stop it, Arthur. It won't change a shit.'
The guilt he always felt was haunting him. It made him more and more self-conscious. It was talking to him.
'Where were you when Jeremy needed you?'  It was saying... 'You were drinking. Where were you when Theo graduated? You were drinking. Where were you when Jonathan was in the hospital? You were drinking. Again. Where the fucking were you when Alex lost his mind? You were probably fucking someone. You were never there. You were absent.
You've never been more than a stupid, immature boy, Arthur. A snob. Manwhore.' He knew his inner voice was damn right.
He was 17, shouldn't be drinking in a first place.
All of this happened because he was greedy. He had succumbed to his desire. He was drunk on fucking jins. JINS AND DESIRE.
That is why he started this business. This damn bar was where he belonged. He deserved to be here and only here.
Arthur hardly ever left the bar he opened years ago, surrounded by snobs like himself. 'You're right where you belong.' thought to himself.
He checked his phone.
Theo had called him twice. When it rang a third time, he threw his phone aside. Arthur knew this was about her. 'He is being hopeful again.' Arthur said under his breath.
Because Theo was the only one who hadn't given up hope. He had been searching tirelessly for his sister for years. He had looked for her in every sick girl in the hospitals, he was calling everyone with the hope of finding Aurora in the orphanages. Over time, this hope became an obsession. Theo would call her name in his sleep. He unconsciously blurted out her name occasionally because he was always thinking about Aurora.

When his phone rang again, this time it was Matthew. He accepted the call and put the phone to his ear. He could hear his brother shaking with excitement through his breath. "Where the hell are you?" Matthew asked him.
Please. Not again. "Wherever the hell you are, deeper" He had no time for this nonsense. He was sick and tired of Theo getting his hopes up every time.
From the rustling he heard, he knew the phone had been passed over.
He heard Theo's deep voice "You need to come to the hospital now, James! Now!".
Theo was the only one calling him James. 'Please first be sure, Theodore, or i'll fuck your pretty face'
Arthur couldn't stop his heart from racing but when he put the words together he only managed to say "fuck off Theo".
At first, he almost hung up the phone when it was all silent. 'This bastard did it again' Arthur laughed. His inner voice was right this time. 'İ knew it, brother, you and your fucking obsessions.'

But when Theodore spoke up again he felt as if the whole world had stopped "She has the same birthmark on her hand, I'm sure, James".


"So, what are you thinking? Please share your opinions with me! English is my third language, so it is somewhat hard for me to write."

Hope you have a wonderfull day🧚🏻

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