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Hi! This chapter is over 3400 words! I will in the next chapters write more and longer. In this chapter, we have more character. Summary is:
Sheriff Carter- Town Sheriff
Agent Miller- someone from the FBI. As the story goes on we will know him better.

(there is this town and the city in my story, both have their Sheriffs, I will soon come up with names)

Trigger warning for this chapter:
Topic mention( Physical harm, Assault)


FLASHBACK 4th of May 2023
20 miles away from the city.

Forests are not a good place to wander at night, and certainly not a good place to run. It was dark, cold, and frightening. The trees were big and scary even in the daytime and looked like monsters that would trap you in darkness at night. 'No, silly. Those who trapped you in darkness are behind you!'. There is the voice, again. The little girl thought that there was no way to get rid of this voice inside her head. "Don't listen to her, Aurora. Keep running! Listen to the sound of the wind, listen to the sound of the bugs". She was tired, couldn't see anything in the dark, and had no idea where the road would lead. The voices coming from far away were not helping. It meant they realized she had escaped and it meant that they had let the dogs out.'Listen to the barking of the dogs chasing after you to drag you back, little girl. maybe it will motivate you to run faster!' this time voice was right, so she did. She ran without stopping. The man's shouts didn't stop her. The dog's barking didn't stop her. The sharp stones stabbing her feet  -because her feet were bare- didn't stop her. She ran through the trees so fast that tree branches cut her face. She couldn't tell how long she had run but was sure she had been running for more than half an hour. The breath she was taking was no longer enough for her lungs. She kept running nonetheless. She was cold to the bone and the blood from the wound in her abdomen was dripping down her legs. She felt like she would die if she kept running any longer. 'If you don't run a little longer you will die!'. "Listen to the voice, 'Aurora, it always kept you sane.' she ran until she saw the highway, and ran along the road until she saw cars coming from far away. The girl stepped in front of the truck without reconsideration. 'Please, don't give me back to them! They're all out of their minds!' But the words didn't come out of her lips. She just threw herself into the arms of the old man who came to her side. She kept looking back, checking the way she had come. Dogs were no longer barking but the little girl knew what it meant. They were watching her from somewhere in the distance. She was crying, clinging tightly to the collar of the man holding her. She wanted to beg him to take her away, far away from here,  to her brothers. Brothers? Aurora wasn't sure if they existed. She had tried so hard not to forget them, maybe they were all in her imagination. Maybe it was all a dream like the scarred-faced man told her. But deep down she felt them all the time in her soul. They were real! She tried all her life to get back to them! Aurora turned her gaze to the old man who kept asking her questions. NO! the little girl thought. Don't show that you remember them. This man could be one of them! 'YOU REMEMBER NOTHİNG!' Suddenly fear filled her. What if it was a trap? What if it was worse when she told him about her brothers? She remembered the last time she told that her brothers were coming to rescue her... She would never get away from these people who were watching her like shadows. The old man continued to ask her who she was and how she was. He was also talking to the younger man next to him. More like yelling. She couldn't understand anything he was saying. The buzzing in her ears wouldn't let her.' They're here! they're watching us! we can't get away!' the little glimmer of hope she had kept inside her was slowly fading away. She felt dizzy and it was harder and harder to stay awake. 'Please!' she begged for the last time. 'Please, if there's someone up there, please help me!' She turned her gaze to the old man. Darkness was about to overtake her. Before she lost consciousness, she could only say to the man holding her "Please don't give me back to them".

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