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Hi! I Choose the chapter's name to be specific for this one. In this chapter, we will see Aurora's and Taylor's dilemma about their father figure in their life.
Normally I update on Sundays, but this chapter will be two parts so why don't upload the first part already? I hope you enjoy it💕

Doors slammed. Glasses shattered. He kept running up the stairs despite the glass stabbing his feet. The little boy had barely escaped with his life this time. As soon as he entered his room, he turned the lock twice. He dragged the bed with the iron headboard towards the door. There was nothing in the room but a bed and a closet. This time he had failed badly. He couldn't go out and was certain to die. And he didn't know how would survive if his father came after him. The blood still hadn't stopped flowing from his head, his fingers were going numb and his head was spinning. When he began to hear his father's footsteps coming upstairs, an indescribable fear gripped his small body. The locked door made him even angrier, he started banging on it. The door couldn't take it anymore. 'He' couldn't take it anymore. The little boy could hear his father's voice shouting, telling him to open the door. he could hardly understand the words as her ears were beginning to buzz. He heard his father's voice one last time before he fell into a deep sleep. He was shouting. 'Taylor. Open the door! Taylor!'

PRESENT (7th February)
3rd POV:
'Taylor! Taylor! Come to your senses! Get help! Now!'
The young boy was jolted back to reality by David's booming voice. At first, he was stunned by the sight before him. Ava was charging around non-stop, biting David to get away from him, kicking him in the air. Parker must have already gone down to the garage to start the car. His other siblings were cowering in a corner, watching in horror.
'Percy! Get the aid kit! Hurry up! We have to put her to sleep. We have to get her to the hospital' David this time tried to call for help from Percy. He was too stunned to help them. However, he did run to the bathroom for first aid.
Taylor could hear voices and understand what was happening, but he couldn't react. All his muscles felt numb. All this was bringing up repressed memories. Percy came back with the first aid kit. His father was now telling him to hold Ava's feet. Taylor knew he had to move and help his family, but he couldn't seem to move a muscle. When his mother came back, David showed her the aid kit. He didn't want to watch this scene. Ava had already gone crazier when she saw the needle. He stepped over to Brianna, who was cowering in the corner. He crouched down next to her. Brianna had her hands over her ears and was calling for her mom. Taylor realized it wasn't Parker she was calling for. She was calling for her own mother. Everything blurred in that moment, he felt like they were playing a lie. They were pretending to be a family, burying their problems deep inside, hiding the pathetic people they were with ridiculous games. He wanted this night to come to an end.
After some time his father took the calmed Ava in his arms and started down the stairs. Parker told Percy to look after us and hurried after her husband. At that moment the three of them were fighting their own battles in their inner worlds. Between the jokes and laughter, hidden weaknesses were revealed.

Taylor wondered what could have happened to Ava. Was her family worse than his? Had she been beaten? Had she been sold by the man she called her father? Who had taken advantage of her naivety and weakness? Taylor felt sick to his stomach. He ran to the bathroom. His stomach was empty, so he ended up vomiting bitter bile. When he lifted his head, the young boy began to see black spots. The black dots grew, first in his vision and then all around him. The last thing he heard before sliding into darkness was his father's voice. 'Taylor! Open the fucking door!' he was shouting...

At the hospital
It was dark everywhere. Her mind was fuzzy but she could distinguish the sounds. The young girl tried to open her eyes but failed. She moved her fingers. She felt cables attached to her hands and arms. The constant beeping told her she was in a hospital room.

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