Chapter 2

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"'re so pathetic!" She laughs. "Is that what your life is all about? All that drama, your poor boyfriend, your dead family..."

That creature walks around me with a mischievous grin on its face, well, my own face.

I try to break free from my bindings. I'm tied up to a chair, in the middle of what seems like an abandoned warehouse.

I've been on a few hunts before dedicating myself to my main goal. Trying to improve with every hunt and every encounter with monsters.

This is something I'm starting to cherish. Saving people on a daily basis fills me up, fills my soul.

"Why do you keep dwelling on that memory, jesus!? It was so long ago... Let me go!" I bark.

My heart races as I struggle against the tight bindings, my muscles straining against the rough ropes that bind me to the chair.

"You know," she continues, "now that I know how miserable your life is, I think I can do it better for you. There are two guys I would get involved with in this body, and if I'm not wrong, you die for one of them..." another laugh echoes through the warehouse. "It would be a shame if I slept with one of them, wouldn't it."

The laughter of the shapeshifter reverberates through the abandoned warehouse, its mocking words slicing through the air like a knife.

I've read somewhere that these creatures not only take your body, but your mind too. That thing recites every detail of my past life as if it were a story.

As if I wanted to relive those memories. Fucker...

I glance around, taking in my surroundings with a mix of fear and determination. This wasn't how I had imagined my night going. I had been on a hunt, tracking down reports of strange occurrences in the area. But somehow, I had fallen right into the shapeshifter's trap.

Every part of me screams for freedom, for escape from this nightmare. But I refuse to let fear paralyze me. With each passing moment, I search for a way out, my mind racing with strategies and possibilities.

As the shapeshifter taunts me, her words only strengthen my resolve. I may be bound and helpless now, but I refuse to give up. I've faced monsters before, and I've always emerged victorious. 

I draw upon every ounce of strength and courage within me, knowing that as long as there's breath in my lungs, there's still hope of breaking free from the shapeshifter's grasp.

I've hidden a small pocket knife in the sleeve of my flannel. Keeping the shifter distracted, I start cutting the rope slowly.

"So tell me. Are you enjoying this body? Do you crave all the excitement that comes with it?" I taunt, sweat forming on my forehead. I'm scared to death. One wrong move and it's over.

"Yeah, it's better than the body I had before this one. You wanna know who it was?." The shifter sit cross legs in front of me.

"Oh yes please. Im bored, tell me your miserable life..." I said with sarcasms.

She put the palm of her hands on her chin resting on top of her thighs "ok my past body was someone called Damian..." she trail off...

No, thats impossible. He's on another business trip. I would know if he was different. He's one week away from coming back home. I just talked to him...

"You're lying! I talk to him yesterday. He still working!"

She laugh. Now standing from the ground walking away from me. Suddenly stop, looking back at me "you didn't find it odd that he invited you to that sushi place and then take a walk on that park?".

Heaven's Gates -Dean Winchester x Fem Reader-Where stories live. Discover now