Chapter 6

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This is impossible. How it is that he.. no, I should've notice if something was different. Im a trained hunter. Nothing escape my radar. I'm a good one.

My head was spinning non stop. Trying to get ahold of everything that is happening right now. But why me. He wants nothing to do with me back then. That was pretty much clear. He ditch me, and now he is back? that does not make sense.

I feel a cold shiver runs down my spine at the though. I've been with a demon all this time?

"I could see someone is awake!" Damian dark voice could be heard from the door. He was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed on his chest, a devilish smirk on his lips, his eyes dark on me, sending daggers my way.

"what the hell do you want?! why don't you leave me alone?" I hiss.

He push his body from the door, stalking my way, each step heavy on the floor. His footsteps echoing the small room he had me tied up. His hand trembling, clutching at a small silver dagger.

Well, today is my last day apparently.

I keep my mouth shut, not wanting to hear whatever shit he has planned on do to me. Either way, I was looking for a way out. So maybe I should have let him had the honor.

"cat got your tongue?" venom could be felt from his words. His white teeth glittering under the bright light. His face now centimeter from mine, I could feel his hot breath fanning across my face. My lips in a fine line, waiting for him to have the first move. Anyway I can't do shit, I'm still tied to the damn chair.

I feel the dagger caressing my neck. I move forward so it won't cut on my skin, but his grip was firm and possessive.

He blink once and his eyes where pitch black. My eyes widening with fear, sweat beads adorning my forehead and neck.

"see" he trail off, his black orbs never leaving mine. "at first, I love you... but know... I need you for my wealth.." he darkly laugh. The hair on my neck standing on end.

"I have nothing for you. I have no money, no inheritance... so fuck off" I snarl.

"You misunderstand," He hissed, his voice a sinister whisper. "It's not your wealth I seek, but your bloodline, your lineage. You come from a long line of hunters, gifted with abilities that could make me unstoppable."

My heart pounded with a mix of fear and disbelief. How could I have been so blind? Damian had wormed his way into my life, earning my trust and submitting me to him, only to reveal his true intentions now.

"You're insane," I spat, my voice trembling despite my attempts to sound defiant. "You won't get away with this."

Damian chuckled darkly, the dagger pressing harder against my throat. "Oh, but I already have. By the time they realize you're missing, it will be too late. No one can stop me now."

I fought the panic threatening to overwhelm, searching desperately for a way out. My training kicked in. As Damian leaned in closer, his grip tightening, I gathered the strength and kicked out of my bindings, catching him off guard.

The chair toppled backward with a crash, sending Damian stumbling backward. I scrambled to my feet. With adrenaline fueling my movements, I launched myself at Damian, driving my shoulder into his midsection. We crashed to the ground, struggling against each other in a desperate fight for survival.

Their struggle was fierce and primal, each one of us grappling for dominance. I clawed at him, desperate to break free, while he fought to maintain his hold. As we rolled across the floor, I spotted a glint of metal nearby - the fallen dagger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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