Chapter 3

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The memory of that day at the bar still burns bright in my mind, like a neon sign on a dark street. I remember the way she walked in, all confidence and mystery, a glint of defiance in her eyes that dared anyone to question her.

Y/N. That's what I'd later find out her name was. But back then, she was just a whirlwind of h/c hair and piercing gaze.

I couldn't help but notice the piercings adorning her ears and nose, each one a statement of rebellion, a silent challenge to conformity. They drew me in, those little metal studs glinting under the dim lights of the bar, whispering secrets of a life lived on the edge.

And her eyes... god, her eyes. They were like twin storms, swirling with emotions I couldn't even begin to decipher. Every glance, every smirk, sent a jolt through me, like a live wire sparking against my skin. I didn't know her, didn't understand her, but something about her reached into the deepest corners of my mind, igniting a fire I couldn't extinguish.

She drove me crazy, that much was certain. There was a magnetism about her, a gravitational pull that defied logic and reason. I found myself drawn to her, compelled to protect her, even though I had no clue who she was or what demons she might be hiding.

But maybe that was the allure, the mystery that wrapped around her like a cloak. She was an enigma, a puzzle waiting to be solved, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was meant to unravel her secrets, to delve into the depths of her darkness and find the light hidden within.

So, I watched from the shadows, my gaze never leaving her form as she moved through the crowded bar with an effortless grace.

And with each passing moment, I knew one thing for certain: Y/N had gotten under my skin, and there was no turning back.

I lean against the Impala, a beer in hand, staring off into the distance. Sam joins me, his expression curious as he takes a sip from his own bottle.

"What's on your mind, Dean?" he asks, his voice low.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, the memory of Y/N still fresh in my mind. "Remember that girl from the bar in Montana? Y/N?"

Sam nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I remember. You were pretty taken with her." he chuckle and air quote "oh I think you might be in danger?. Really you could come with something better."

I chuckle, a hint of embarrassment creeping into my voice. "Shut up!" I hit him on the shoulder "well, she's been on my mind ever since. Can't seem to shake her."

Sam raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "So, what's the plan? You gonna track her down?"

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "I want to, believe me. But she's all the way back in Montana, and we're stuck here in Kansas. It's not exactly a quick trip."

Sam nods in understanding. "But you know where she lives, right? You could always go back. We saw her outside that house. We can stay at bobby's and then hit the road to her."

I nod, a sense of longing tugging at my heart. "Yeah, we know where she lives. But it's not that simple, Sam. She's got her own life, her own things going on. I can't just show up out of the blue and expect her to drop everything for me."

Sam considers this for a moment before speaking again. "But you want to see her again, don't you?"

I meet his gaze, the answer clear in my eyes. "More than anything."

Sam claps me on the shoulder, a reassuring smile on his face. "Then we'll figure it out, Dean."

As I lean against the Impala, lost in thoughts of Y/N, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I glance at the screen to see Bobby's name flashing in bold letters. With a sigh, I answer, knowing it's probably not good news.

Heaven's Gates -Dean Winchester x Fem Reader-Where stories live. Discover now