Chapter 5

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My head's been consumed with thoughts about Y/N. It's like someone dropped her into my world just to mess with me, enchanting her beauty to drive me insane, mind, heart, and soul alike.

Sure, I've seen plenty of beautiful girls in my time, but none of them hold a candle to her.

There's just something about her, something I can't quite put my finger on yet. But deep down, I feel like she's searching for something different.

It's like this invisible force is pulling me towards her, urging me to follow, to find her, to keep her close to me.

Ever since our eyes first met, my heart's been marching to a different beat. It's like it has a mind of its own, screaming for her, yearning to find her, just like my body craves her presence.

So, we decided to extend our stay at Bobby's. It'd be quicker to head to Montana from here than to go back to Kansas.

Bobby's rough voice startled me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even heard him coming. He plopped down on a chair across the kitchen table, eyeing me up, sizing me up.

He slid a bottle of beer my way, and I took a deep gulp before feigning confusion. "Who is she, boy?" he asked, cutting right to the chase. I knew this was coming, but if I could dodge the question, I would. It's not like I know this girl well enough to be spilling to Bobby.

I deadpanned Bobby. It's impressive how well he knows me and Sam, sometimes even better than we know ourselves. I squirmed in my seat, clearing my throat. "Well..." I chuckled awkwardly. "She's cute."

"Yeah, right," Bobby retorted, unimpressed. "She's gotta be more than just cute for you to be acting like a lost puppy. How long have you two been together?"

"They haven't even talked yet, Bobby," Sam piped up, making things worse for me. I debated between wanting to punch him in the face or toss him out of a moving car. Why does he have to be so nosy?.

"I'm going for a drive. I can't deal with you two right now," I huffed, storming out.

The truth is, I'm heading to Montana solo. I don't want to drag Sam into this. This is my mission, my battle. Maybe she'd be scared off if both of us showed up. I mean, two big dudes dressed as feds stalking her? Anyone with half a brain would be freaked out.

There's a lot racing through my mind. How am I supposed to approach her again? The last two times, she was drunk. But that last time? That was my cue to find her. Fresh bruises on her neck and face, holed up alone in a sketchy motel? Something's off. I know deep down there's more to her.

But what?

The drive to Montana was a blur, just a few stops for gas, snacks, and coffee.

The first place I hit was that sushi joint, but it was closed, which was odd for lunchtime. I kept driving, scouring the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, but all I saw were passing cars.

Fast forward to day five. Still no sign of her, not even her house. Her bike was there, but she wasn't. I spent a whole day parked outside her house, waiting for any sign, any glimpse of her silhouette in the window. Nothing. Just some jerk going in and out nonstop.

She has to be around here somewhere. What if he's got her hidden away in a room or a basement?.

I'd wait until he was gone to sneak in. I searched every inch of that place, every door, every cabinet. Nothing.

Turns out, the only thing I found was that the guy's her partner. She doesn't look happy here. Her smile's forced, hiding something behind it.

So, I decided to bail. Stopped at a red light, a girl on a bike with a white helmet pulled up next to me. My heart raced. My hands sweated on the steering wheel. I lowered my window to call out to her, but the light turned green. All I could do was follow her. I kept a safe distance, not wanting to come off as a creep.

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